🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #Tjiftjaf #ErgensInDeStad
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Zilpzalp
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #ChiffChaff
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #BudníčekMenší
#phylloscopuscollybita #budnicekmensi #Chiffchaff #Zilpzalp #ergensindestad #tjiftjaf
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #Tjiftjaf
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Zilpzalp
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #ChiffChaff #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfTheFediverse
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #BudníčekMenší #Česko #KarlovarskýKraj
#phylloscopuscollybita #karlovarskykraj #cesko #budnicekmensi #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #Chiffchaff #Zilpzalp #tjiftjaf
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #Tjiftjaf #InHetPark
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Zilpzalp
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #ChiffChaff #BirdsOfTheFediverse #BirdsOfMastodon
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #BudníčekLesní
#phylloscopussibilatrix #budniceklesni #birdsofmastodon #birdsofthefediverse #Chiffchaff #Zilpzalp #inhetpark #tjiftjaf
Spent a couple of hours in a very sunny #ParcSlip #NatureReserve yesterday. Lots of #Birds singing loudly, including the pictured #Chiffchaff. Quite a few #Butterflies, including this #PeacockButterfly and a couple of relaxed #HighlandCows. Very peaceful ..... until the #Coots ..... pretty sure this one didn't want his photo taken 😏
#Wales #cymru #naturephotography #nature #dailyphoto #coots #highlandcows #PeacockButterfly #butterflies #Chiffchaff #birds #naturereserve #parcslip
Yesterday I heard the first chiffchaff. In fact in two different places. A real sign of spring.
#birds #chiffchaff
Dieser #Zilpzalp (Phylloscopus collybita) sammelte eifrig Insekten und Fressbares von der Wasseroberfläche auf. Bei diesem Foto hat es ganz gut gepasst. Der engl. Name #chiffchaff ist auch cool.
#birding #birds #birdwatching #Vögel #nature #natur #birdphotography #artenvielfalt
#Zilpzalp #Chiffchaff #birding #birds #birdwatching #vogel #nature #natur #birdphotography #Artenvielfalt
I really only chose to do a painting of this bird because I thought its name was funny. Also, it fits into the sequence. After doing the Starling illustration, I figured I might as well try to cover the seasons of a new year. The Great Tit for January and the Starling kicks off the song contest in February, Chiffchaff for march … and so on. I haven’t decided yet which bird I’ll do next.
#birds #chiffchaff #illustration #art #mastoart
#MastoArt #art #illustration #Chiffchaff #birds