Okay, but can we talk about the incredibly high proportion of #Chihuahua mixes at this year's #PuppyBowl? We've hit the point where we stop pointing them out to our Chihuahua because it's practically all of them (and also because she doesn't care).
RT @ruizhealy@twitter.com
Por fin, corrieron a Luis Alfonso Harris, quien era el Director del Sistema Penitenciario Estatal de #Chihuahua. Que lo investiguen porque es imposible que no supiera lo que ocurría en la cárcel de #CiudadJuarez que controlaba el hampa. Falta que corran al fiscal #FierroDuarte https://twitter.com/ruizhealy/status/1610347362643496960
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ruizhealy/status/1613321425657511942
#Chihuahua #ciudadjuarez #fierroduarte
Sometimes, you just have to hit the 'paws' 🐾 button, and take a break.
#dogsofmastodon #seniordogrescue #Chihuahua
good morning. #DogsOfMastodon #dogs #Chihuahua
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #Chihuahua
we dress her up for the holidays and she gets a handful of treats and doesn’t sulk too hard. #DogsOfMastodon #dogs #chihuahua
#dogsofmastodon #dogs #Chihuahua
my dog, who saved my life a bit (I was starting to get tired of life) #DogsOfMastodon #dog #chihuahua
#dogsofmastodon #dog #Chihuahua
Window sunning. Even the #husky. #mondog #dogsofmastodon #chihuahua #cat
#husky #Mondog #dogsofmastodon #Chihuahua #cat
Its’s a dog’s life. My BB. My ❤️ #dog #dogsofmastodon #rescuedog #Chihuahua #mutt
#dog #dogsofmastodon #rescuedog #Chihuahua #mutt
Mousey is an awful driver, I can’t believe I agreed to let her drive!
#dogsofmastodon #gogos #Chihuahua
Good Morning, afternoon or evening depending on your location. 🤗 Morning here. Got coffee in one hand, doggo on lap and wearing my comfy blanket. Staring blankly at the tree, listening to little #chihuahua burps, and typing something something to you fine people in an effort to steal a couple seconds of your day. Trying to jump start brain and lost the fekkin’ jumper cables.
Mousey is not thrilled with Mornings, and quickly returns to bed after eating breakfast…and requisite post-prandial baby carrot.
Please do not disturb her.
#dogsofmastodon #Chihuahua #dogos
Mousey often appears high in her photos.
Once, when I caught her sneaking into her CBD treats, I asked her , “Who taught you this behavior!” Her response shook me to the core.
“I learned it from watching you dad!”
It was wake up call.
#thc #cbd #dogsofmastodon #Chihuahua
Love taking Starla on her walk on the Western Greenway (and love having that practically in our yard). #Chihuahua #DogsOfMastodon