@timfoster I think we're all done with it now. #Child2 had some fever-y time but nurofen and naps took care of that. Now we're on to the #DamnitImStillTired stage. #Child1 has had 3 evenings of just falling asleep on the couch around 5pm. 50/50 on whether I can get a day's work done tomorrow :|
#Child2 #DamnitImStillTired #child1
Over the last 2 weeks we've collected the whole 'rona set, Family Edition. #Child1 is pretty-much over it now (got to school, yay!), #BetterHalf is recovering but feels blech. I tested +ve on Friday, #Child2 this morning. We're at a point where "meh" is an improvement. Feeling a lot of brain fog. Eager for this shitty virus to be done.