This man. Look, I love the #StarTrekTNG cast like a second family, but #CommanderRiker is like that uncle I tolerate. I hate the way he sits in a chair, I hate the way he always thinks he's in control in any room he's in and I hate when he pulls out the stupid trombone like he's the king of fuckin' jazz music.
Okay, that last one is unfair, but he's the reason I played trombone in school and it SUCKED!! .. or I sucked... I can't really remember, but it was bad.
#startrektng #commanderriker #startrek #Childhoodtrauma
Ha ha ha ow ow ow 😅
#psychology #psychiatry #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentallyill #cptsd #trauma #abuse #childhoodabuse #childhoodtrauma
#psychology #psychiatry #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentallyill #cptsd #trauma #abuse #childhoodabuse #Childhoodtrauma
Attachment styles & their consequences
#VulnerableAttachmentStyleQuestionnaire(VASQ) #Borderlinepersonalitydisorder(BPD) #Disorganized/disorientedattachment #Ambivalent/resistantattachment #Refrigeratormothertheory #Internalworkingmodel #Avoidantattachment #Attachmentstyles #Attachmenttheory #Psychometrictest #Secureattachment #BrunoBettelheim #Childhoodtrauma #MaryAinsworth #Meta-analysis #Psychogenesis #Development
#VulnerableAttachmentStyleQuestionnaire #Borderlinepersonalitydisorder #disorganized #Ambivalent #Refrigeratormothertheory #Internalworkingmodel #Avoidantattachment #Attachmentstyles #Attachmenttheory #Psychometrictest #Secureattachment #BrunoBettelheim #Childhoodtrauma #MaryAinsworth #meta #Psychogenesis #development
Suffering from alexithymia
#Eyemovementdesensitizationandreprocessing(EMDR) #Borderlinepersonalitydisorder(BPD) #Post-traumaticstressdisorder(PTSD) #Affectivealexithymia #Cognitivealexithymia #Negativeexperiences #Copingmechanisms #Emotionalarousal #Anorexianervosa #Childhoodtrauma #Substanceabuse #Somatization #Alexithymia #Psychopathy #Alcoholism #Prevalence #Psychosis #Suffering #CarlJung #Emotions #Prison #Trauma
#Eyemovementdesensitizationandreprocessing #Borderlinepersonalitydisorder #post #Affectivealexithymia #Cognitivealexithymia #Negativeexperiences #Copingmechanisms #Emotionalarousal #Anorexianervosa #Childhoodtrauma #Substanceabuse #Somatization #Alexithymia #psychopathy #Alcoholism #prevalence #psychosis #suffering #CarlJung #emotions #prison #trauma