#Enfants rapatriés de #Syrie : «Mon petit-fils n’en finit plus de payer le choix funeste de son père»
#ChildProtection #ASE
https://www.liberation.fr/international/enfants-rapatries-de-syrie-mon-petit-fils-nen-finit-plus-de-payer-le-choix-funeste-de-son-pere-20230808_54VDSW2AYBFH7LXWINAADT5W2M/?redirected=1 via @libe
#enfants #syrie #Childprotection #ase
@Jain @gingerrroot @gabri @ActionRetro @fuchsiii OFC size limits could be mitigated by having multiple cookies, but that would just make absurdly big HTTP requests, allow for accidential #DDoS'ings and hurt performance very hard on asymetric bandwiths and espechally [throttled] #mobile and #SATCOM connections...
In short, there is sadly no good option that doesn't result in some "#ChildProtection" #malware - alike monster-blob.
#satcom #Mobile #Malware #Childprotection #DDoS
Watched a film on Netflix
Mrs Chatergee v Norway yesterday.Based on a real story. It focused on #culture and the judgements of Norwegian child protection officers and courts due to not understanding India culture and child rearing.
I really enjoyed the film. It was very thought provoking.
#film #culture #childprotection
#Childprotection #film #culture
Abused children often exhibit a "freezing" response, where they keep their arms still & avoid eye contact in the presence of an abusive parent or adult. This behavior is a survival mechanism, allowing them to "hide in the open.
#mentalhealthfitness #HiddenInPlainSight #SurvivingSilently #AbuseSurvivors #BreakTheCycle #VoiceForTheSilenced #ChildhoodTrauma #InvisibleScars #EndChildAbuse #EmpowerTheInnocent #SupportingSurvivors #BreakTheSilence #ChildProtection #StandUpForChildren #AbuseAwareness
#abuseawareness #standupforchildren #Childprotection #breakthesilence #supportingsurvivors #empowertheinnocent #endchildabuse #invisiblescars #childhoodtrauma #voiceforthesilenced #BreakTheCycle #abusesurvivors #survivingsilently #hiddeninplainsight #mentalhealthfitness
Shocking, & I doubt Starmer would have take a different approach when (not if) another tragedy occurs.
#SocialWork #ChildProtection #MetPolice #LabourParty #Safeguarding
I was used as a scapegoat when Baby P died – Sunak’s attacks on social workers are dangerous
#safeguarding #labourparty #metpolice #Childprotection #socialwork
Why is spanking kids still a thing? Studies show physical abuse leads to worse-behaved, traumatized, and violent children. #EndSpanking #ChildProtection #Research https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-19&topic=sunday
#Research #Childprotection #endspanking
While the #1 priority is to provide essential #healthcare, this cannot happen disjointedly from #Nutrition, #Shelter, access to #SafeDrinkingWater & #Sanitation, #ChildProtection & #Education, among others, all of which MUST ENCOMPASS THE OVERALL EFFORT. #TurkeySyriaEarthquake
#healthcare #nutrition #shelter #safedrinkingwater #sanitation #Childprotection #Education #turkeysyriaearthquake
"the Home Office was warned repeatedly by police that the vulnerable occupants of the hotel – asylum-seeking children who had recently arrived in the UK without parents or carers – would be targeted by criminal networks"
#homeofficefailure #ukpolitics #ToryShambles #Childprotection
Two girls found #dead in Spydeberg: Previously convicted man in his 20s arrested
On the night of Sunday, two teenage girls were found dead in a private residence in #Spydeberg in Østfold, #norway . The man charged with leaving them helpless has pleaded not guilty.
On the night of Sunday 8 January, the police were called from an address in Spydeberg, where two girls had taken a possible drug overdose.
Police, ambulance and ambulance rushed to the address. They then found two lifeless teenage girls inside the address.
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was implemented immediately, but unfortunately none of them could be saved, the police write in a press release.
- This is tragic and very heavy for those left behind, says aid lawyer Inger Marie Støen to NRK.
A third teenage girl was also found at the address. She was taken to hospital for treatment, on suspicion of a possible #overdose . Police inspector Lars Reinholdt-Østbye tells NRK.
The police confirm that the three #victims are under the age of 18.
- The two deceased are requested to be autopsied, but what was ingested, the amount and when - that is part of what we also hope to clarify through questioning, he says.
Man arrested
The three victims and the accused were the only ones at the address when the police came to the scene, says Reinholdt-Østbye.
- We plan to question the accused during the day with his defense counsel. We are also preparing so that we can question the third girl during the day, he says.
A man in his 20s was arrested at the address, and has now been charged. He has previously been convicted, his defense attorney told NRK.
He is currently charged with leaving the victim in a helpless state.
NRK: The dead girls in Spydeberg were under the care of #Childprotection
- We can confirm that the two young people who died under tragic circumstances this weekend were in the care of the child welfare services, says Ingrid Pelin Berg, regional director of Bufetat, region east to NRK.
This will also apply to the third young person who is looked after by the healthcare system, she states.
Another man arrested in the Spydeberg case
Police inspector Lars Reinholdt-Østby in the East police district tells VG.
The man is accused of having sold drugs to the girls in Spydeberg. Thus, a total of two people have been arrested in the case. The charge against the man in his 20s has been changed to negligent #homicide
In a press release on Sunday evening, the Eastern Police District stated that, in cooperation with the Oslo Police District, they have arrested a man for selling drugs.
#spydeberg #norway #dead #overdose #victims #Childprotection #homicide
Preparing slides for #childprotection class this week on parents with #intellectualdisability , adding our new epidemiological findings on #contraception and #pregnancy outcomes. Made some new forest plots to highlight some of the findings 1/3 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jir.12982
#Childprotection #intellectualdisability #contraception #pregnancy
I live in the US.
My son likes boys and girls.
I am terrified.
I will leave my home to protect him and his personhood.
This country can choke on the smallest dick, inside the bag of dicks it can eat.
Full stop.
#unitedstates #Oppresion #Childprotection