Unterdrückung der Uiguren in China
Am 20. Februar wird im Militärhistorischen Museum ein Gespräch über das Thema "die Unterdrückung der Uiguren in China" stattfinden. Beginn der Veransta
#Politik #Termine #ChinaCables #chinesischeRegierung #MilitärhistorischesMuseum #olbrichtplatz #Umerziehungslager
#politik #termine #ChinaCables #chinesischeregierung #militarhistorischesmuseum #olbrichtplatz #umerziehungslager
RT @JadeDussart@twitter.com
La #France appelle la #Chine à fermer les camps d'internement de Ouïghours.
Il aura fallu les #ChinaCables pour bouger un tantinet notre @francediplo@twitter.com... encore une fois, merci les lanceurs d'alerte et le journalisme d'investigation !
http://f24.my/5sq0.T via @FRANCE24@twitter.com
RT @lemondefr@twitter.com
#ChinaCables : au Xinjiang, le big data au service d’une surveillance totale des Ouïgours https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2019/11/25/china-cables-au-xinjiang-le-big-data-au-service-d-une-surveillance-totale-des-ouigours_6020404_3210.html?utm_campaign=Lehuit&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lemondefr/status/1198859187872243712
RT @lemondefr@twitter.com
#ChinaCables : au Xinjiang, le big data au service d’une surveillance totale des Ouïgours https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2019/11/25/china-cables-au-xinjiang-le-big-data-au-service-d-une-surveillance-totale-des-ouigours_6020404_3210.html?utm_campaign=Lehuit&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lemondefr/status/1198859187872243712
The #ChinaCables show that #Beijing has been lying about its cynical and inhumane system of #internment of ethnical minorities in order to brainwash them. Keep in mind that #China also is changing the population of #Xinjiang by bringing in masses of Han Chinese in an attempt to turn the #Uyghurs into a minority on their own land. THIS is the root of the existing unrest, not islam.
No free trade with China.
No kowtows to Beijing.
Put the pressure up.
#ChinaCables #beijing #internment #china #xinjiang #uyghurs
Imagine working for #Zhongnanhai's #propaganda office. This monday must be a day at work from hell. Pro-#democracy forces get to celebrate a landslide win at the district council elections in #HongKong, and the #Chinacables show the whole world what a bunch of despicable bastards with NO regard for #humanrights or human lives are ruling #China right now. #Beijing has some rubble to clear after this weekend. Karma can be such a bitch at times.
#zhongnanhai #propaganda #democracy #hongkong #ChinaCables #humanrights #china #beijing
Today a new leak of classified Chinese docs are public: they reveal the operations manual for running concentration camps in Xinjiang, and the mechanisms of mass surveillance of Uighurs. This is a collaboration between International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and 17 media partners in 14 countries #ChinaCables