Global News BC: ‘I will not bend’: B.C. MP Jenny Kwan says she won’t allow China to erase history #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ChineseCommunistParty #Chineseinterference #foreigninterference #MemberOfParliament #Canada'sspyagency #Chinesegovernment #FederalGovernment #JennyKwan #Politics #Canada #B.C.MP #China
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ChineseCommunistParty #Chineseinterference #foreigninterference #memberofparliament #Canada #chinesegovernment #federalgovernment #jennykwan #politics #b #china
Ars Technica: Montana is first state to ban TikTok over national security concerns #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ChineseCommunistParty #nationalsecurity #ByteDance’s #dataprivacy #montana #Policy #tiktok
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ChineseCommunistParty #nationalsecurity #bytedance #dataprivacy #montana #policy #tiktok
Ars Technica: Tesla’s close ties to China draw scrutiny of GOP lawmaker #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #ChineseCommunistParty #houserepublicans #ElonMusk #china #Tesla #Cars
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ChineseCommunistParty #houserepublicans #elonmusk #china #tesla #cars
New Yorker: What Secrets Does the “Donald Trump of Beijing” Know? #NewYorker #ChineseCommunistParty #News/DailyComment #RepublicanParty #DonaldTrump #Frauds #China
#newyorker #ChineseCommunistParty #news #republicanparty #donaldtrump #frauds #china
Global News BC: Website of scrutinized B.C. charity shows directors with Chinese Communist Party officials #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #OverseasChineseAffairsOffice #WenzhouFriendshipSociety #ChineseCommunistParty #ChinaCommunistParty #Chineseinterference #PresidentXiJinping #Policestations #Government #XiJinping #HongKong #Canada #World #China #OCAO
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #overseaschineseaffairsoffice #wenzhoufriendshipsociety #ChineseCommunistParty #chinacommunistparty #Chineseinterference #presidentxijinping #policestations #government #xijinping #hongkong #Canada #world #china #ocao
Watch highlights from Jiang Zemin's career
#JiangZemin, #ChineseCommunistParty, #Xinhua
#jiangzemin #ChineseCommunistParty #xinhua
Framing it as “oh that would have been okay for Boris to say in the #UK, but not in #Asia where people have closer ties to #China” is not helpful. The bravest and most committed #activists I know who speak out against the #ChineseCommunistParty are #Asians. They are also the most exposed and at risk, but they keep finding ways to continue ‘cos they are also the ones who feel the sharpest end of Chinese state #oppression.
#oppression #asians #ChineseCommunistParty #activists #china #asia #uk
Today is the 100th anniversary of the #ChineseCommunistParty ( #CCP ). The CCP is celebrating this day, and #SimoneGao interviewed #ChaoYu who knows what really happens under the #Communist Rule. #ChaoYu was educated at China’s top university, #TsinghuaUniversity, but ended up in China’s prison for almost 10 years as a #PrisonerOfConscience.
#PrisonerOfConscience #TsinghuaUniversity #Communist #ChaoYu #SimoneGao #ccp #ChineseCommunistParty