I put my money where my mouth is by donating to Miranda Pacheco's campaign.
#ojibwe #Chippewa #nativeamerican #duluth #minnesota
"A court granted the Beltrami County Historical Society Museum permission to return sacred Indigenous artifacts to Indigenous communities where they originated."
There is a lot of foot-dragging by museums with regards to repatriating artifacts. I'm glad the Beltrami County HS chose to do so, even going to court to receive permission to bypass a restriction placed on the collection by a will.
#NativeAmerican #Ojibwe #Chippewa #Minnesota #NAGPRA #SahanJournal
#nativeamerican #ojibwe #Chippewa #minnesota #NAGPRA #sahanjournal
Additional coverage.
#Dakota #Sioux #Ojibwe #Chippewa #NativeAmerican #Minnesota #minnpost #umn
#dakota #sioux #ojibwe #Chippewa #nativeamerican #minnesota #minnpost #umn
#NativeTraditionalUses of #BitterDock :
#Indigenous #Chippewa used an infusion of roots as dermatological aid to treat skin problems. #Delaware & #Oklahoma #NativePeoples used infusion of roots as blood purifier & treating jaundice. #Iroquois made compound decoction of roots & used it for blood disorders & also used it as a contraceptive. Decoction of roots was given to children to treat whooping cough.
#LearnAboutNativePlants #NativePlantMedicine #NaturalMedicine #WildMedicines #PlantUseInfo
#nativetraditionaluses #bitterdock #indigenous #Chippewa #delaware #oklahoma #nativepeoples #iroquois #learnaboutnativeplants #nativeplantmedicine #naturalmedicine #wildmedicines #plantuseinfo
"The agreement recognizes the sovereign bands as original stewards of that land..."
This is a good first step. We can do more. Such as returning land to the sovereign nations.
#Chippewa #ojibwe #nativeamerican #minnesota #landback
“To this day, we are the closest — and I repeat, the closest — community to a nuclear power plant and spent nuclear waste in the country,” said Prairie Island President Johnny Johnson
Prairie Island is only 30 miles from where I live. I am not opposed to nuclear power. However, we could do better at storing waste than on a flood plain next to a marginalized community.
#ojibwe #Chippewa #nativeamerican #minnesota
"The lack of reliable internet has made it difficult for members to apply for jobs, work from home or participate in virtual learning."
I take it for granted that I will have internet access every day. I rely on it so I may work from home.
The expansion of broadband for the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe will be beneficial.
#ojibwe #Chippewa #nativeamerican #minnesota
More coverage of Native Sovereignity Day at the Minnesota State Capitol.
Worth noting is that only the 11 federally recognized tribes were represented. I saw no mention of the Mendota Mdewakanton Sioux who reside a mile or two from where I live. They have been seeking federal recognition for many years.
#NativeAmerican #Minnesota #Dakota #Anishinaabe #Chippewa #Sioux #Mendota #Mdewakanton
#nativeamerican #minnesota #dakota #anishinaabe #Chippewa #sioux #mendota #mdewakanton
Instead of a "day", how about a Native Sovereignty year? Repeated every year?
#NativeAmerican #Minnesota #Dakota #Anishinaabe #Chippewa #Sioux #SahanJournal
#nativeamerican #minnesota #dakota #anishinaabe #Chippewa #sioux #sahanjournal
"Over the last six years, the county has spent more than $8 million in attorney’s fees on the case. With an appeal, those costs will grow."
Stupid waste of money by Mille Lacs county. The State of Minnesota should NOT cover those fees.
#NativeAmerican #Ojibwe #Anishinaabe #Chippewa #Minnesota #TreatyRights
#nativeamerican #ojibwe #anishinaabe #Chippewa #minnesota #TreatyRights
“We see you everyday. But do you see us?” said Kevin Dupuis, chair of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. “We’re not invisible. We know we’re not invisible. But sometimes the system looks at us or puts it in a perspective that we are invisible.”
#NativeAmerican #Minnesota #Dakota #Anishinaabe #Chippewa #Sioux #SahanJournal
#nativeamerican #minnesota #dakota #anishinaabe #Chippewa #sioux #sahanjournal
"Some non-Indigenous people may recognize snow snake from their days as a Boy Scout."
This was the first I heard of snow snakes. I found the article frustrating because it wasn't until the 7th paragraph where it became apparent to me it is a game and not until the 20th or so paragraph where I learned it involves sliding a wooden snow snake through a hoop.
#Anishinaabe #Chippewa #Ojibwe #NativeAmerican #Minnesota #SahanJournal
#anishinaabe #Chippewa #ojibwe #nativeamerican #minnesota #sahanjournal
I'm reading "A Child of the Indian Race: A Story of Return" by Sandy White Hawk. I'm only part way through. What was done to Native American's was wrong.
#nativeamerican #minnesota #ojibwe #anishinaabe #Chippewa
I finished reading The Sentence by Louise Erdrich.
Another story that left me wounded.
Reliving George Floyd's death was painful. I no longer lived in Minneapolis when it happened but I'm still trying to process it.
#LouiseErdrich #nativeamerican #minnesota #ojibwe #Chippewa
"The court decision 'is a major victory for the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe and serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of respecting the sovereignty and treaty rights of Indigenous nations,' said Band President Faron Jackson Sr."
I want the Native American tribes in Minnesota and surrounding states to continue asserting their rights under treaty and as soveriegn nations.
#Ojibwe #Anishinaabe #Chippewa #Minnesota #NativeAmerican #SahanJournal
#ojibwe #anishinaabe #Chippewa #minnesota #nativeamerican #sahanjournal
One of my biggest disappointment with President Barack Obama, that he didn't grant clemency to Leonard Peltier before he left office. I hope President Joe Biden will.
#LeonardPeliter #Solidarity #Clemency #Injustice #AIM #AmericanIndianMovement #PineRidgeReservation #Chippewa #Lakota #Dakota
#dakota #lakota #Chippewa #PineRidgeReservation #americanindianmovement #aim #injustice #clemency #solidarity #leonardpeliter
“It’s important to share those stories,” Friedli says. “Especially during storytelling season. It’s winter. The snow is on the ground. This is the traditional season for telling those stories.”
I need to break out of my pandemic hibernation. Why didn't I attend the Minnesota State Snow Sculpting Competition?
#NativeAmerican #Minnesota #Ojibwe #Anishinaabe #Chippewa #SahanJournal
#nativeamerican #minnesota #ojibwe #anishinaabe #Chippewa #sahanjournal
I finished reading "The Night Watchman" by Louise Erdrich, a fiction novel consisting of intertwined story lines involving the Chippewa inhabitants of Turtle Mountain Reservation in North Dakota. One of the story lines is based upon events in the author's grandfather's life.
It was well written and kept my interest. All of the main characters and concerns and thoughts felt real to me.
#Ojibwe #Chippewa #Anishinaabe #NativeAmerican #Minnesota #NorthDakota #bookstodon
#ojibwe #Chippewa #anishinaabe #nativeamerican #minnesota #northdakota #bookstodon
My post regarding South Dakota Govenor Kristi Noem gotta lot boosts but the above post received none.
I wonder where our priorities are. I'm not hating. I'm trying to bring love.
#Minnesota #NativeAmerican #Dakota #Sioux #Ojibwe #Anishinaabe #Chippewa
#minnesota #nativeamerican #dakota #sioux #ojibwe #anishinaabe #Chippewa
Since I read Diane Wilson's The Seed Keepers, I've been paying more attention to local Native American topics. I'm surprised at how often I find articles on local mainstream news sites regarding local Native American topics.
Do you have suggestions for other sources? Sources other than StarTribune and MPR. Preferably they would be online with RSS feeds so I can easily follow and link back to them.
#Minnesota #NativeAmerican #Dakota #Sioux #Ojibwe #Anishinaabe #Chippewa
#minnesota #nativeamerican #dakota #sioux #ojibwe #anishinaabe #Chippewa