Japancasting Episode 18: "Bangladesh Hospital Report in English and Japanese"
Osaka Jogakuin College (OJC) students report on their visit to #Chittagong, #Bangladesh. OJC students contributed to start a charitable children's #hospital ward. These students speak bilingually, so it provides a lesson in either #Japanese or #English as a Foreign #Language. After the students’ presentation, I interviewed a student. That script is available for English learners to read while listening, in the blog post by Parveen Sharma at https://eklavyaparv.com/edusomedia/japancasting-podcast/575-bangladesh-hospital-report-in-english-and-japanese
Listen to this #podcast
at, for example, https://open.spotify.com/episode/5YDezlvREpb49mSSlyvnro or https://hubhopper.com/episode/ep18japancastingbangladesh-hospital-report-in-english-and-japanese-1672254300
While Bangladesh was struggling to develop, Japanese students were able to develop international social consciousness and, as a result, greater self-awareness.
All #Japancasting episodes and related readings are linked from https://japanned.hcommons.org/multimedia
#Chittagong #Bangladesh #hospital #japanese #English #language #podcast #Japancasting #podcasting #japan #oer #efl #languageteaching