*hyperventilating* 🥵
Say it isn’t so!!! I just heard that the reason I haven’t been able to find #GoodHumor #ToastedAlmondbar is because it’s been discontinued.
First the #ChocoTaco and now this?!
:NekoLay: Somebody tell me it’s a bad dream 💭
At least there’s still the drink! 🍹
Toasted Almond
• 5 oz half and half
• 1 jigger Amaretti di Saronno
• 1 jigger Kahlua
Shake with ice. Pour into a tall glass.
#tellmeitsjustadream #DontDrinkAndDrive #drinkresponsibly #ChocoTaco #toastedalmondbar #goodhumor
Missing the Choco Taco? It's insanely easy to make this copycat version at home https://www.salon.com/2022/08/04/missing-the-choco-taco-its-insanely-easy-to-make-this-copycat-version-at-home/
In case you want to give it a go. #ChocoTaco
// Sorrow in #ChocoTaco town after summer treat is discontinued | AP News
@julieofthespirits We need to decentralize the Choco Taco and liberate it from corporate control. in DIY spirit the Choco Taco lives forever
I feel like there's a bit of bandwagon effective with the #ChocoTaco being discontinued. I honestly can't think of any time I've seen them on sale that wasn't an ice cream truck and can't think of a time I've ever seen someone eat one. This is basically the #Twinkie all over again, except I can remember seeing people eat those circa 1987.
Am I the only one who smells a clever marketing stunt here by @unileverusa@twitter.com to drum up buzz so they can “bring back” the #ChocoTaco after “listening” to everyone?
RT @CNN@twitter.com
The Choco Taco is gone for good. https://cnn.it/3cJ81IR
Am I the only one who smells a clever marketing stunt here by @unileverusa@twitter.com to drum up buzz so they can “bring back” the #ChocoTaco after “listening” to everyone?
RT @CNN@twitter.com
The Choco Taco is gone for good. https://cnn.it/3cJ81IR