Done a couple of DIY jobs around the house... Took about 30 mins to be honest.
Now chilling and about to make a latte and ponder on what to have for lunch... Needs to be light as sirloin steak for dinner.
Meanwhile... currently playing
#ChoosdayChoons #AliceInChains #maninabox
#ChoosdayChoons #temple #hungerstrike
Morning folks
Kicking of the day with a song.
Trying to think positive today because it's another shitty, rainy day here and that always makes me miserable.
#ChoosdayChoons #alanismorrisette #thankyou
It wouldn't be complete without one from these guys. I remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. I was gutted. I'd never had a reaction to a musician dying before... and everyone I've posted this evening has prompted a similar one.... I can't even bring myself to post anything by Linkin Park as I'm feeling so melancholy right now.
#ChoosdayChoons #Nirvana #ComeAsYouAreUnplugged #KurtCobain
Another one lost too soon... and this cover is haunting.
#ChoosdayChoons #chriscornell #NothingComparesToYou
Another gone too soon
#ChoosdayChoons #foofighters #Everlong #TaylorHawkins
Another one gone too soon
#ChoosdayChoons #AliceInChains #DownInAHoleUnplugged #LayneStaley
Another one gone too soon
#ChoosdayChoons #AliceInChains #WouldUnplugged #LayneStaley
Another one gone far too soon.
#ChoosdayChoons #cranberries #linger #DoloresORiordan