
Not to mention Facebook and Cloudflare's involvement in allowing Nazism to flourish on their platforms according to the FBI, from 2015 onwards, which led to not only the , but the growth of the Nazi's in .

We can thank and CF for the 17,000 estimated extremists from 50 countries (FBI, 2021) that helped create the current crisis.

Also not to mention the other they supported, .

#ChristchurchMassacre #ukraine #facebookgroups #conspiracytheories #post2016 #fakebook #cloudflareIsTheMalware

Last updated 3 years ago

Its actually a . They get free because they are . *wink

Its the good people and the realProgressives these are pitted against. We've been predicting an attack against Chinese ppl since they made a , of themselves. Wonder if the servers are based in the like they did for and the ?

#doubleBluff #advertising #cloudflare #fascists #closedSilo #philippines #4chan #ChristchurchMassacre #controlledDemolition #cloudflareIsTheMalware

Last updated 3 years ago


It's reported that by protecting 4Chan they, helped to produce the but that was just a side-effect of their control over the internet.

We see as a Mafia-style extortion scheme, and studio hiding behind a slick, exterior.

If you see a site behind Cloudflare (or Amazon's ) we recommend warning the webmaster.

#ChristchurchMassacre #cloudflare #honeypot #radicalization #wallstreet #Cloudfront #webdev #falseflag #homeToRoost

Last updated 3 years ago

Has the faded from memory a bit? Yes?


So now is the time to revive 's signature and production platform, /#8chan.

Renamed as .

Shouldn't take too long before the next . Thinking the next one will be rather than , but we haven't done any research – just a gut feeling.

#ChristchurchMassacre #cloudflare #extremist #nazi #4chan #8kun #terrorAttack #antiChina #antimuslim #onlineExtremism #filterbubbles #dotcons #china #islam

Last updated 4 years ago