Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
269 followers · 1864 posts · Server

When Maria Zakharova praises you, you are in the deep deep … something.

I believe the only way ahead for the pope is an heartfelt deep “I am sorry.” and walking the straight and narrow from this time onward.

#Ukraine #pope #Christian

Last updated 1 year ago

Ringo · @ringo
262 followers · 84 posts · Server

Whomsoever wants to contribute donations, me and my buddy have been busy putting up videos at

we're up to 3,558 videos, @ 232.2 gb of content, making it, to the best of my knowing, the largest video on the

This is not a brag, but it is a humble ask, literally there is bandwidth (dedicated,) and all the loving time spent.

Recently have been dealing with a health thing, No need for , greatly appreciate donations. <3

#v4v #Christian #learning #peertube #internet #karma

Last updated 1 year ago

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
209 followers · 1833 posts · Server

Awesome blog post about difficult of returning from abroad (be it from mission, long term study, or anywhere else). And even more about the evil of the and even more .

#Christian #professionalchristianity #sponsoredmissions

Last updated 1 year ago

net314r8 · @net314r8
18 followers · 92 posts · Server

Thank God for homeschooling and private, Christian schools. Those are our only hope for educating, not indoctrinating the next generation of good Christian leaders.

#homeschool #Christian #God #bible #privateschool #indoctrination #TeachersUnion #stayawayfromourkids

Last updated 1 year ago

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
162 followers · 1594 posts · Server



Last updated 1 year ago

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
159 followers · 1577 posts · Server

Just to values of the Putin’s Russia

> In 2017, Russian lawmakers removed from the criminal code those incidents of domestic violence that do not cause “lasting harm,” reducing the penalty to a fine, community service or a few weeks in custody. In other words, any who does not suffer broken bones, or worse, at home has no right to legal recourse, and their abuser gets off scot-free.

(New Lines Magazine,

#traditional #Christian #woman

Last updated 1 year ago

lino third world American · @Lino0876
47 followers · 1988 posts · Server

Congrats to my buoy Fredy Freemon your NL player for May.

#gododgers #notrannys #playthegame #0politics #Christian

Last updated 1 year ago

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
154 followers · 1512 posts · Server

True message and the message of true hope for all of us delivered by the late Cheif Rabbi of the Commonwealth Lord Jonathan Sacks. Highly recommended!


Last updated 1 year ago

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
149 followers · 1363 posts · Server

@Melody I am quite certain that this is what Jesus meant when he was talking about his disciples being recognized by their love.

#Christian #USA #Texas

Last updated 2 years ago

barefootliam · @barefootliam
276 followers · 227 posts · Server
barefootliam · @barefootliam
274 followers · 225 posts · Server

Vignette: crucifix with skull and prayer book or bible and hourglass, engraved in 1878 from a work by the French artist Yann Dargent. It's a detail from a larger illustration of the life of St. Bonaventura, the patron saint of bowel disorders. Really.

#mortality #christiansymbols #symbols #Christian #art #woodengraving #clipart #fromoldbooks #fobo

Last updated 2 years ago

Matěj Cepl 🇪🇺 🇨🇿 · @mcepl
117 followers · 997 posts · Server

@telorand Well, we believe that (comparing to alcohol) Christianity (when practised well) is actually not harmful, just contrary.

So, it would be more like going to a Jewish group and telling about gospel while ignoring two thousand years of antisemitism. Not a good idea either.


Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
542 followers · 889 posts · Server

Odds are I won't follow you back if I see that you're going to a bunch of parties. That tells me that you don't care about the well-being of high-risk people like me or my family, and I don't have the energy to have that in my feed.

#MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver #Christmas #Advent #Christian #holiday #DisabilityJustice #accessibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
535 followers · 865 posts · Server


For me, is recognizing that sometimes the priest and and the Levite (the "good" religious people) walk on past the stranger lying in the ditch, but the Samaritan (the outsider, unbeliever, or heretic) stops to be a neighbor to the one in need.

It's about choosing to be in with people, not because they believe the right things or because the law says we have to, but because it's the right thing to do -- dare I say, the thing to do?

My purportedly "Christian" nation won't make laws or elect leaders who will ensure and to "the least of these." It's not going to come from the top down. If the is going to be what the church is called to be, rather than an imperial institution, we need to join in on God's work -- and I suspect we'll learn more of God in the process.

#holyanarchy #solidarity #Christian #Jesus #equity #justice #church

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
518 followers · 779 posts · Server

Hey, on the : Can the hashtag be a thing?

Here's what I mean: I look at the first-century , and I see an community which cared deeply about , , , and .

Now, they had trouble figuring out how to do it, but what they were working towards looks like what I see a lot of working towards today, including those who choose the label . If basically means coming together as a without hierarchy, neighbor caring for neighbor, then I think there's a place for us to join in with the work.

I know many people have concerns about identifying as because at least since Constantine, has been entwined with and . If you want to the faith, you have to go way back.

But for those of us who do so identify, who do see the importance of coming together without , with an eye towards and equity, of building the common good through -- for those of us who live out our in that way, might that be called ?

Note: I wrote this from a Christian perspective, but if you are of another faith and find this resonates with you, I would welcome your thoughts. I find the intersection of and action very compelling.

#christians #left #holyanarchy #church #egalitarian #equity #inclusion #MutualAid #communitycare #leftists #anarchism #anarchy #community #Christian #Christianity #empire #power #decolonize #nationalism #AntiRacism #disability #solidarity #faith #spirituality #leftist

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
435 followers · 390 posts · Server

In context, considering the power of rushing water, this is a pretty terrifying verse:

"But let justice roll down like water,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."

This water is life to the poor and oppressed, and devastation to the rich.

This ain't the prosperity gospel.

#bible #christianleft #leftist #Christian #justice

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
435 followers · 389 posts · Server

I mean the angriest of the angry prophets had a lot to say about economic injustice. We who claim to read the should pay some attention to that.

#bible #Christian #christianleft

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
435 followers · 388 posts · Server

The prophet Amos didn't precisely say , but one might say it's implicit.

#EatTheRich #Christian #bible #leftist

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
435 followers · 388 posts · Server

So much I relate to in this thread.

It helps to remember that "we have to get on with our lives" (which I'm sure we've all heard plenty of times) is an incredibly privileged take.

It comes from someone who doesn't (or thinks they don't) have risk factors that will make them the 1 in 5 who will develop . Someone who's confident they won't be among the thousands of people in my country (USA) who die from COVID every week. Someone who's confident they can take the time to recover from an illness which will "surely" be mild, and not have their job, housing, and livelihood threatened by that.

But some of us aren't "getting on with our lives," because we simply can't afford not to consider these things. Life has already taught us that we are not invincible, something I'm worried that a lot of unmasked people are going to learn the hard way.

I don't want to become more disabled than I already am. I don't want my children to join the hundreds of thousands of COVID orphans in the US. I want my spouse to be healthy.

And, even setting all that aside, I never lost sight of "your mask protects me, and my mask protects you." , people. I'm a Fred-Rogers -- by which I mean that I prioritize being a to others. How can we claim to if we're willing to spread death and disability in our community in order to avoid the slight inconvenience of a mask?

I'm convinced taking precautions is the right thing. For me, for my family, and for my community. I hope the consequences won't have to get too dire for others to agree, but I'm finding optimism a struggle these days.


#LongCOVID #communitycare #Christian #neighbor #loveoneanother #covid #MaskUp #accessibility #disability #ChronicIllness #LongCovidKids #PublicHealth #equity #HealthEquity

Last updated 2 years ago

Eebl · @nicedragon
390 followers · 186 posts · Server

Thoughts for fellow and other leaders:

and are times for some of the coziest and most joyful gatherings. But, speaking as a colleague who can no longer work due to , I invite you to consider ways to make these gatherings more inclusive to the and medically vulnerable.

A friend is exhausted from the need for accommodation of their family's disabilities being entirely on their shoulders, while their church continues to plan events that are inaccessible to them.

I am isolated from the organized church because is too risky for me and others in my household.

Many in the and community are incredibly hurt by a society that has collectively decided to move on without us, to be unconcerned about spreading a virus which could kill us. Don't let the church be a part of this default eugenics.

Reach out to your disabled and chronically ill members and local community. Ask them what would enable them to participate with minimal risk.

Be willing to consider holding some events that are masked or outdoors (or both!) Know that that indoor potluck you're planning will likely cause someone to have to make a decision between keeping themselves and loved ones safe, and the mental and spiritual benefit of engaging with the congregation.

You may need to take the initiative on this, because most of us have already been crushed into silence by society's disregard of our lives. I know, you have so many things to do right now, so much planning and juggling, and congregational personalities to manage. But please, take a moment to reach out to someone like me, like my friend. You may be the star of hope they need to see.

Thanks for listening.

PS: If you would like more information, try this link from @PeoplesCDC --

#clergy #church #Advent #Christmas #disability #disabled #covid #ChronicallyIll #pastor #accessibility #Christian #CovidIsNotOver #PublicHealth #WearAMask #priest #rector #vicar

Last updated 2 years ago