It's unsettling to see the warnings of trans folks becoming reality:
#AntiGender #lgb #fascism #conservatism #reactionary #ChristianRight #GenderCritical #solidarity
#antigender #lgb #fascism #conservatism #reactionary #ChristianRight #gendercritical #solidarity
Republicans, especially those of the faux Christian persuasion, have a sinfully sickening habit of not keeping their god-damned noses out of other people’s books, bathrooms, bedrooms, pants, and wombs.
#ChristianRight #Republicans #GOP #FreedomCaucus #LGBTQIArights #TransRights #LGBTQIAphobia #MAGA #AbortionRights #ReproductiveRights #racism #bigotry #misogyny #fascism
#Fascism #misogyny #bigotry #Racism #ReproductiveRights #AbortionRights #MAGA #lgbtqiaphobia #transrights #lgbtqiarights #freedomcaucus #gop #republicans #ChristianRight
Trump killed the ‘values voter’ wing of the GOP. It isn’t coming back in 2024.
“Evangelicals have changed and have become more populist and more renegade and wanting to fight more and engage in Christian culture,” “Trump has a following who wants to fight because they see culture going to hell in a handbasket, and that’s what’s winning the day in politics.”
“What matters to evangelicals is the best candidate to further their agenda.”
Iets waar we veel te weinig aandacht aan schenken in Nederland: wij hebben al wetten die het lichamelijke zelfbeschikkingsrecht van mensen die zwanger kunnen raken aantasten: "De in januari 2020 ingevoerde Wet verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorg (Wvggz) is in de toelichting expliciet over de bescherming van ongeborenen: op grond van deze wet kan een zwangere vrouw gedwongen ggz worden opgelegd als zij door een psychische stoornis een ernstig nadeel kan toebrengen aan zichzelf of een ander. En na jaren pleiten door CDA-Kamerleden behandelt deze wet een embryo vanaf dag één nu ook als ‘een ander’ en dus als beschermwaardig.
Bovendien geldt de nieuwe wet niet alleen bij een psychische stoornis maar ook bij verslaving aan drugs, alcohol of medicijnen. De verslaving kan mede een reden zijn voor verplichte zorg of opname van een zwangere vrouw. Een foetus in je buik kan daarmee grond zijn voor dwangopname, vanaf het moment van conceptie."
Anti-abortuspartijen hebben een hele lange adem.
#abortus #ChristianRight #dwang #antiabortus
“The children preyed upon by Public School Exit will be indoctrinated with beliefs that contradict scientific evidence” and “will grow up not understanding the full spectrum of their rights as American citizens.”
In her analysis, Chrissy Stroop highlights how Christian Right organizations, like Public School Exit, are exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic to further their goal of dismantling public education. Learn more: #ChristianRight #Education
"Though religious liberty is foundational to our society and respected by progressives and conservatives alike, public resources should not favor one religion over another nor should it favor those who consider themselves religious over those who don’t."
Read Jessica Quiason's article on Pioneer Institute's alignment with Betsy DeVos and their push for school privatization. Learn more: []( #Education #ChristianRight
The message from the #ChristianRight is clear:
It's just #Trans #Hate all the way down. Theirs is a hating #God - They say it in the "We Are Commanded To Hate Evil" part.
It would be nice to think that some influential #Christian leaders would speak up, but I don't think they'd listen, this isn't about religion, it's about #Racism and #WhiteSupremacy and as ever, in white-people #History religion is just the convenient highway.
#civilwar #Politics #Religion #History #whitesupremacy #Racism #christian #god #hate #Trans #ChristianRight
The assault on public education by the Christian Right has lasted for decades. The goal of this onslaught is not only to promote homeschooling that centers a “biblical worldview,” but to “Christianize” public schools through hiring practices, curriculum, and an educational philosophy that is heavily influenced by a Dominionist ideology. Learn more: #ChristianRight #Education #Farright
#ChristianRight #Education #farright
“Children who learn from textbooks that teach these ideas grow up to be adults who vote, hold office, and make public policy.” In this article #FromTheArchives, Rachel Tabacknick highlights how Christian nationalists are attacking public education in the U.S. to further their agenda. Learn more at []
#fromthearchives #ChristianRight #farright #usright
Far Right Christian Nationalist Brags His ‘Biblical Worldview’ Group Is Behind Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Anti-Trans Law
“We are fighting for the lives of little babies. We are fighting against the people that are putting the queer books into your school libraries and trying to groom these children into homosexuality. to push back against the things of the devil in our country.”advisory board includes politicians like Mike Huckabee
#ChristianRight #huckabee #mental
Promoting bigotry
In the name of Christian right
Never a good sight
#markrobinson #racism #bigotry #christianright #haiku #poetry
#MarkRobinson #racism #bigotry #ChristianRight #haiku #poetry
The conservative right wing increasingly has shown itself to be violent, irrational, intolerant, allied to racism and hostile to free inquiry. Contemptuous of women’s rights to the point of controlling their very bodies. Coercive toward our children in what they are taught about and always contemptuous of the LGBTQ community which they fear for lack of understanding. Can’t help them, they’ve consumed the koolaid. just sayin
Anti-LGBTQ advocacy led by the Christian Right is woven into nearly every sector of the contemporary U.S. Right. The effects of this has tangible impacts on the lives of LGBTQ people across the U.S., motivating discrimination, physical assault, and homicide. To gain a deeper understanding of who is behind modern anti-LGBTQ advocacy and what tactics they employ, we recommend checking out PRA's 101 on Anti-LGBTQ Organizing at #AntiLGBTQ #ChristianRight #farRight #USRight
#antilgbtq #ChristianRight #farright #usright
Fascism is here, people.
It’s in our government, our military, police forces, schools, and churches. It’s spreading like a cancer; because it is one.
#RonDeSantis #DonaldTrump #FederalistSociety #CivilRights #WomensRights #LQBTQRights #DontSayGay #VoterSuppression #VoterIntimidation #VotingRights #FoxNews #BookBans #MarriageRights #ReproductiveRights #Trumpism #ElectionDenial #ChristianRight #MuslimBan #WhiteNationalism #autocracy #propaganda #nationalism #lies #scapegoating #racism #bigotry
#bigotry #Racism #scapegoating #lies #nationalism #Propaganda #autocracy #whitenationalism #muslimban #ChristianRight #electiondenial #trumpism #ReproductiveRights #marriagerights #BookBans #foxnews #VotingRights #voterIntimidation #votersuppression #DontSayGay #lqbtqrights #womensrights #civilrights #federalistsociety #DonaldTrump #rondesantis
Florida Christian college cancels a cappella group over singer's 'lifestyle
"The college cannot knowingly give an implied or direct endorsement of anything that violates Holy Scripture, the foundation for our sincerely held belief," the statement said. "At the same time, the college also recognizes everyone is created in the image of God and should be afforded the dignity of kindness."
#humanrights #gayrights #Lesbianrights #christianright #fascist
#HumanRights #gayrights #lesbianrights #ChristianRight #fascist
'America’s nonreligious lurch has mostly been the result of 3 historical events: the #Republican Party-#ChristianRight hook up, end of the #ColdWar & 9/11...all culminating in the 90s...then therez also the Catholic priest debacle.
#Religion has lost its halo not b/c #science drove #God from the public square, bt rather that politics did.
The rise of the Nones shows no signs of slowing down & seems the newfangled #American religion of Nothing Much at All' prevails.'
#american #god #Science #Religion #Coldwar #ChristianRight #republican
“This is no accident. The attacks on #transgender people and #LGBTQ rights are of a piece with the attack on reproductive rights. It is an assault on the bodily autonomy of all Americans, meant to reinforce traditional hierarchies of #sex and #gender”
#conservatism #BodilyAutonomy #abortion #FarRight #ChristianRight
#transgender #lgbtq #sex #gender #conservatism #bodilyautonomy #abortion #farright #ChristianRight
@tofugolem @Cabadobedia
💯 this started in earnest with #Reagan #Reaganomics
In my aunt’s house he was considered.. I’d say a god but they’re #FocusOnTheFamily #ChristianRight so hesitate to use that word
sometimes I wonder who I’d have become had I lived longer than 5 years there… #BrettKavanaugh probs
weird thing is don’t know where they stand on billionaires b/c they don’t approve of excess the #liberals are def the boogeymen
Debating these people is impossible too #FoxNewsCult
#reagan #reaganomics #focusonthefamily #ChristianRight #liberals #brettkavanaugh #foxnewscult
uhm.. was today years old when I learned the history of #eugenics & omfg; we are screwed b/c if I didn’t know…whole lots of people don’t know
the thing about #sarscov2.. it doesn’t discriminate. Get reinfection yet manage to survive.. you just become a #zombieBug
thing you can always count on with #psychopaths is #hubris
Now I truly understand the horror of #ClarenceThomas #SCOTUS #ChristianRight & how they are trying their damndest to drag us back to 1930’s #fascism
#eugenics #sarscov2 #zombiebug #psychopaths #hubris #clarencethomas #SCOTUS #ChristianRight #fascism
@Pagan_Activist @Jallaj1 these years it’s particularly prevalent with the #ChristianRight. In particular #Dominionists and #ChristianNationalists. Here is where the parallels become real stark
#christiannationalists #dominionists #ChristianRight