A Polish family that was executed during WWII by both occupying Nazis and Polish Nazis, has been beatified by the Pope--including the baby the mother was carrying, which deviates with Catholic tradition regarding unbaptized babies.
The current regime in #Poland is openly politicizing this as a propaganda vehicle for their conservative/anti-abortion policies, as they seek to remain in power.
Murdered by #Christofascists, now a tool for Christofascists.
More on the #exodus forming in #academia out of the red US states from The Chronicle of Higher Ed.
>In These Red States, Professors Are Eyeing the Exits
#HigherEd #BrainDrain #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #boycott
#boycott #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #braindrain #highered #academia #exodus
#Floriduh continues efforts to make their #HigherEd degrees worthless outside of the state.
>Florida university system approves classical admissions test, an SAT and ACT alternative https://www.highereddive.com/news/florida-university-system-approves-classical-admissions-test-an-sat-and-ac/693200/
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #academia #highered #Floriduh
I guess when they arrive in KY, and they will in due time, I hope Costco might employ me as a receipt checker.
>‘There won’t be libraries left’: how a Florida county became the book ban heartland of the US
#PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #BannedBooks #censorship #Floriduh #libraries
#libraries #Floriduh #censorship #bannedbooks #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid
And speaking of viruses in the US.
#BarelySatire #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists
>Americans Reveal What It’s Like Living With The Woke Mind Virus https://www.theonion.com/americans-reveal-what-it-s-like-living-with-the-woke-mi-1850818566
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire
The state of the country in one tweet:
#abortionban #ChristoFascists #uspolitics
Meanwhile, in public #schools #fuckery
>Pennsylvania school district requires social studies classes to incorporate right-wing propaganda https://popular.info/p/pennsylvania-school-district-requires
#Christofascists #PartyOfStupid #indoctrination #corruption #propaganda #education
#education #propaganda #corruption #indoctrination #PartyOfStupid #ChristoFascists #fuckery #schools
In more #libraries having to deal with #PartyOfStupid bigoted #ChristoFascists
>Virginia Library's Funding Threatened Over LGBTQ Book Brawl https://www.advocate.com/news/front-royal-samuels-library-controversy
#lgbtq #bannedbooks #fuckery #censorship #reading #books #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #libraries
Super proud of my birth country:
Mexico's Supreme Court legalizes abortion.
Please read to the end: just like in the U.S. under Roe, conservatives will fight this ruling and will try to continue to punish people seeking legal abortions. The fight is never over, as long as there are #Christofascists with money anywhere.
#abortionishealthcare #ChristoFascists
No, #Christofascists are not exclusively U.S.
>Mexican parents burn textbooks infected with ‘virus of communism’ in fiery protest against gender ideology https://nypost.com/2023/09/03/mexican-parents-burn-textbooks-infected-with-virus-of-communism-in-fiery-protest-against-gender-ideology/
#BannedBooks #censorship #books #reading #Mexico #education #LatinAmerica
#latinamerica #education #mexico #reading #books #censorship #bannedbooks #ChristoFascists
More on the Pine Mountain Settlement incident, a lot more charitable than I would be, somewhat bordering on "two-sideism." The Waymakers were bullied by local thugs. It is not more complicated than that.
>Fear and anger in Appalachia — just like everywhere else https://kentuckylantern.com/2023/09/04/fear-and-anger-in-appalachia-just-like-everywhere-else/
#terrorism #PartyOfStupid #ChristoFascists #appalachia
And speaking of #bigotry and #fuckery from the #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists
>Missouri Agency Deletes LGBTQ Resources From State Website https://www.advocate.com/news/missouri-erases-lgbtq-resources
#lgbtq #censorship #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #fuckery #bigotry
Just another day in the good old U.S. of A.
>Right-Wing Harassment Led to Bomb Threats Against 3 Elementary Schools and Libraries This Week https://jezebel.com/right-wing-harassment-led-to-bomb-threats-against-3-ele-1850787741
#ThisIsAmerica #PartyOfStupid #Christofascists #schools #libraries #terrorism
#terrorism #libraries #schools #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #thisisamerica
Quiz: Could You Pass Anti-Woke Diversity Training In Florida? https://www.theonion.com/quiz-could-you-pass-anti-woke-diversity-training-in-fl-1850782073
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #Floriduh #BarelySatire
Calling a reactionary a "firebrand" is just one way the #PressIsComplicit with the #Christofascists who are working to dismantly democracy.
Controlling information and denying education is one way to control the population; that's what's happening in #Oklahoma: six consecutive days of bomb threats in ONE school district thanks to the #LibsOfTikTok and that 'firebrand' fucker.
#libsoftiktok #oklahoma #ChristoFascists #pressiscomplicit
Canada: Keeping its citizens informed so they can stay safe if they choose to travel to shit hole countries.
>Canada issues LGBTQ travel warning for some US states
#bigots #ChristoFascists #thisisamerica
No, this IS NOT The Onion. I repeat, this IS NOT The Onion. So this would have meant back in the day one of my cousins, Roberto Jose, who went by Bobby Joe, would need the approval of these Iowa dumbass school officials to go by Bobby Joe.
Iowa Schools Demand Parental Permission If Kids Want To Use Nicknames
#pendejos #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid
Cute how the author writes "...it is also true that we are all infected with CHINOism." No, we are not. But nice of you to assume that one, we are all Xian somehow, and two, shitty #Christofascists at that.
For the record, I am a happy heathen walking the path with the #CosmicJoker.
>Are You a CHINO (Christian in Name Only)? https://forwardky.com/are-you-a-chino-christian-in-name-only/ #religion #Christians
#christians #religion #CosmicJoker #ChristoFascists
Again, #BarelySatire
>Christians Explain Why They Push Christianity In Public Schools https://www.theonion.com/christians-explain-why-they-push-christianity-in-public-1850775894
#religion #christians #ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid #BarelySatire
In GOP Republican nightmares. . . (Yes, this is damn satire, but you know. . . ).
>Knife-Wielding Doctors Roam Country Searching For Teens To Force To Be Trans https://www.theonion.com/knife-wielding-doctors-roam-country-searching-for-teens-1850780841
#ChristoFascists #PartyOfStupid