This guy had liar written all over his face during the entire interview.
Video - Ex-Trump official #ChristopherMiller squirms when #MorningJoe hosts corner him on Jan. 6 #insurrection. #Trump #riot
#Riot #Trump #insurrection #morningjoe #ChristopherMiller
I just heard #ChristopherMiller on @msnbc he appears to be lying. He is a true #Trumper.
@popcornreel The corruption goes deep into the Establishment. Prosecute #Trump cabal, who planned a coup and incited insurrection.
But #Wray, #ChristopherMiller, #Piatt, #RyanMcCarthy #JamesMurray #ChadWolf all did nada b4 #Jan6 despite intel, Trump statements & con calls for #CivilWar on social media. Then they slow-walked on #J6 and held back #DCNG.
They didn't get fired & IG's lied.
#January6Committee gave them all a pass.
#FederalistSociety #ChristopherWray is now #Biden #FBI Director
#fbi #biden #christopherwray #federalistsociety #january6committee #dcng #J6 #civilwar #JAN6 #chadwolf #jamesmurray #ryanmccarthy #piatt #ChristopherMiller #wray #Trump
@TheUSASingers Everyone should remember that #FBI #ChristopherWray, #ChristopherMiller, #JamesMurray, #DHS, #WalterPiatt #RyanMcCarthy, all were responsible and did nothing prior to #Jan6, despite the Intel, Trump election lies n coup plans, plus open calls for Civil War by #OathKeepers #ProudBoys, then they slow walked the response on #January6.
None were fired despite their egregious and inexcusable failures, and the #January6committee gave them a pass
#january6committee #January6 #proudboys #oathkeepers #JAN6 #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #dhs #jamesmurray #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #fbi
@Brandi_Buchman I want to know why #January6Committee gave a pass to #ChristopherWray #ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt #RyanMcCarthy & #JamesMurray; they did nada before or on #January6.
Per #MarkMilley, “everyone knew“ Trump wanted a coup & #Jan6 would be violent, besides the open public calls for #CivilWar, egged on by election fraudster #Trump, who thought he had #Military backing for a coup. Why did #Trump believe that? Why did #MichaelFlynn bro #CharlesFlynn escape scrutiny?
#CharlesFlynn #michaelflynn #military #Trump #civilwar #JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #jamesmurray #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #january6committee
@JoshuaHolland Why did Trump think he had support from the #military to overthrow the #government, republic and #Constitution?
Why does the #January6Committee Report give a pass to #Federalistsociety #FBI #ChristopherWray #USSS #JamesMurray #DOD #Trump pick #ChristopherMiller #RyanMcCarthy #CharlesFlynn #WalterPiatt? They did nothing before #January6 when they were open calls for Civil War, besides the Intel.
Gen #MarkMilley testified “everyone knew” #Jan6 would be violent
#JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #walterpiatt #CharlesFlynn #ryanmccarthy #ChristopherMiller #Trump #dod #jamesmurray #usss #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #january6committee #constitution #government #military
@Saysdana Sund and Walker were hung out to dry, set up as fall guys. The #January6Committee gave a glib pass to #FBI #ChristopherWray, #ChristopherMiller, #WalterPiatt and #RyanMcCarthy, who did nothing prior to #January6 despite massive Intel and open public calls for #CivilWar, while #Trump was saying the election was a fraud and he might refuse to leave office. Then on the day of #Jan6 these traitors slowwalked while the Capitol was overrun to overthrow the Republic
#JAN6 #Trump #civilwar #January6 #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #fbi #january6committee
And the #January6Committee swallowed whole #Trump SecDef claim that the reason they balked at DC and Capitol Police requests for DCNG backup before and during #January6 is cuz #ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt #RyanMcCarthy alleged concern about optics of involving the military in an election after backlash due to #MarkEsper #BLM overreach. And they tried to blame Gen #WilliamWalker
#WilliamWalker #blm #markesper #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #January6 #Trump #january6committee
@jimstewartson Adding #hashtags so more see this re #January6 and #Trump Def Sec #ChristopherMiller
#J6 #January6thCommittee #january6committee #JAN6 #ChristopherMiller #Trump #January6 #hashtags
@sethcotlar #RayEpps should be investgated, but there may be nothing there.
More consequential; #January6Committee was charged by law with fully investigating the #January6 events and causes, but glibly gave a pass to #FederalistSociety #FBI Dir #ChristopherWray #USSS head #JamesMurray and #Trump Acting Sec Def #ChristopherMiller who did nada before and on #J6.
#MarkMilley said there was concern there'd a be a coup; who did #DonaldTrump think he had support from, and why?
#donaldtrump #markmilley #J6 #ChristopherMiller #Trump #jamesmurray #usss #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #January6 #january6committee #RayEpps
@jeffsonstein Right. #Trump said he knew they weren’t there to hurt him. #MarkMilley said, “everyone knew“ the #January6 was going to be violent. Still, #ChristopherWray, #JamesMurray and #ChristopherMiller did nothing before #Jan6, and then nothing for three hours and 19 minutes while Trump nuts tried to overthrow the government.
And the #january6committee is giving these institution heads up pass for their alleged “failure“ to defend the #Constitution against domestic enemies
#constitution #january6committee #JAN6 #ChristopherMiller #jamesmurray #christopherwray #January6 #markmilley #Trump
@Teri_Kanefield Violent #WhiteSupremacists in #military and #LawEnforcement has been a known problem for years.
The #FederalistSociety #FBI Director #ChristopherWray didn’t act on the intel they received, as #MAGA publicly called for #CivilWar
#ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt and #RyanMcCarthy slowwalked the #DCNationalGuard response.
Unacceptable that the #January6Committee gave them a pass for #January6
#January6 #january6committee #dcnationalguard #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #civilwar #maga #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety #lawenforcement #military #whitesupremacists
@mrraccoon wrote "Will you be prepared to make this submission to court in person?"
I'm quoting from the January 6 Cmte report. Four criminal charges against Trump and co-conspirators were referred to the DoJ, but the Cmte has apparently not done a thorough investigation, considering the lack of attention on #ChristopherMiller, #CharleFlynn #MichaelFlynn, #ChristopherWray, #JamesMurray and others who could and should've taken action before and on #January6 but didn't.
#January6 #jamesmurray #christopherwray #michaelflynn #charleflynn #ChristopherMiller
@patricklee I wanna know why #CharlesFlynn was on the #January6 call; he wasn't directly in chain of command for #DCNationalGuard on or before #January6; that falls on #Army Staff Chief LTG #WalterPiatt Army Sec #RyanMcCarthy & #Trump acting Def Sec #ChristopherMiller, whose explanations for inaction prior to #Jan6 are dubious, but swallowed by the #January6thCommittee that also gave #JamesMurray and #ChristopherWray a pass. The Establishment saw it coming better than the public; they're. lying.
#christopherwray #jamesmurray #January6thCommittee #JAN6 #ChristopherMiller #Trump #ryanmccarthy #walterpiatt #army #dcnationalguard #January6 #CharlesFlynn
"As January 6th neared, intelligence emerged indicating that January 6th was likely to be violent, and specifically that the Capitol was a target. On January 3rd, an intelligence summary informed Department of Justice officials of plans to “occupy the Capitol” and “invade” the Capitol on January 6th." Exec Summary, p. 60, Report #January6thCommittee
Hold accountable: #FBI #SecretService #DoD #Pentagon #ChristopherWray #ChristopherMiller #JamesMurray? Not even a James Murray mention!! #January6
#January6 #jamesmurray #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #pentagon #dod #secretservice #fbi #January6thCommittee
@statmonkey The traitorous #Trump Cabal needs to be held accountable for their attempted overthrow of the US Republic. However, it appears the upper class Establishment that owns and controls the corporate media and the Democrat-Republican Party is protecting the FBI and DoD and giving a pass to #FederalistSociety FBI Dir #ChristopherWray and Acting Def Sec #ChristopherMiller who did nada while reasonable people were raising the alarm and the #MAGA nuts were talking publicly online re #CivilWar
#civilwar #maga #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #federalistsociety #Trump
@Remittancegirl @quotesofnote @emptywheel The #January6thCommittee notes in Appx 2 that the response/not by #DCNationalGuard #ChristopherMiller #WalterPiatt #RyanDMcCarthy fell under their purview, documented incriminating laughably inexplicable statements by Miller, then concluded there was no evidence the inaction prior to and on #January6 was deliberate, but it appears they didn't really look into it, besides ignoring the bulk of #EarlMatthews report, though they referenced it twice.
#earlmatthews #January6 #ryandmccarthy #walterpiatt #ChristopherMiller #dcnationalguard #January6thCommittee
@GaryRLundberg The #January6thCommittee report ignores or glosses over the conscious inaction prior to #January6 by FBI Dir #ChristopherWray and Acting Def Sec #ChristopherMiller Army Sec #RyanDMcCarthy and LTG #WalterPiatt despite the intelligence and the please from #DCMPD and #MurielBowser
#murielbowser #dcmpd #walterpiatt #ryandmccarthy #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #January6 #January6thCommittee
@statmonkey It's concerning for the fate of our alleged Constitutional and democratically-controlled Republic that the intelligence #FBI Director #ChristopherWray Acting Def Sec #ChristopherMiller Army Sec #RyanMcCarthy LTG #WalterPiatt chose to ignore and not act on prior to #January6 were not a major focus of the #January6thCommittee And what was General #CharlesFlynn role in #Jan6? It's a side note in the report.
#JAN6 #CharlesFlynn #January6thCommittee #January6 #walterpiatt #ryanmccarthy #ChristopherMiller #christopherwray #fbi
#Jan6 Acting Sec Def #ChristopherMiller: “No such thing was going to occur on my watch,” he wrote, later adding that “if I would have put troops on Capitol Hill” before the attack and without a request from civil authorities, “that would have been seen as extremely provocative, if not supporting this crazy narrative that the military was going to try to overturn the election.” p. 729, Appendix 2, Final Report #January6thCommittee Miller lied; #MurielBowser #MPD requested #January6Coup #January6
#January6 #january6coup #mpd #murielbowser #January6thCommittee #ChristopherMiller #JAN6