Eu considero o "Calling all dawns" o melhor álbum do , mas o "The drop that contained the sea" (além de ter um título ótimo) também tem músicas maravilhosas. Este coro é simplesmente lindo, adoro as variações no tema ao longo da música e os dois conjuntos distintos de vozes cantando letras diferentes lá no finalzinho:


Last updated 1 year ago

Que coisa absolutamente maravilhosa essa composição!
Sou muito fã do .


Last updated 1 year ago

Margaret Sefton · @MargaretSefton
441 followers · 1515 posts · Server

"Through the window I see
One shining plum blossom
That warmth of
One blossom
Through the window, I see
Radiant greenery for the eyes
A mountain cuckoo
Ah, the first bonito
Through the window, I see
The refreshing autumn wind
Churns in the mountains
And that over there - a bell's voice
My remaining days
How much more is there to live?
The night is brief
Life is short
Through the window, I see
Cold snow all around the house
In bed I think
Only of this"


Last updated 2 years ago

ftjl · @ftjl
8 followers · 69 posts · Server

Absolutely obsessed with "Waloyo Yamoni" ("We Overcome the Wind") from Christopher Tin's "The Drop That Contained the Sea"

Classical music isn't usually something on my 'just keep looping' playlist but there's just something soaring and human about "Waloyo Yamoni" that keeps me coming back:

(also the entire concert is worth a listen, it ends with "Waloyo Yamoni" and the impact just makes it even more amazing)

Sort of wonder if this is on 's radar (I know they've played Christopher Tin's compositions before).

#music #ChristopherTin #classicalmusic #ABCClassic

Last updated 2 years ago

Baudouin El Khoury · @bek
1 followers · 33 posts · Server
· @affinis
11 followers · 47 posts · Server

震惊,Baba Yetu 转成小调后从商业配乐突变成黑暗史诗:

#ChristopherTin #musicalityBot

Last updated 3 years ago