The chronic Lyme cult harassed me as badly as someone leaving Scientology when I left and spoke out. I'll never be silent.
I wrote this right when I left it:
A doctor wrote this about me:
And a journalist for New York Magazine interviewed me for this:
San Diego, CA, USA:
New $1 million support a multi-method effort to deeply characterize the microbial, viral, immune & genetic characteristics of tissue samples collected from...#longCOVID, #Lyme, #myalgicencephalomyelitis/#chronicfatiguesyndrome & #EDS
#LongCovid #lyme #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #eds #mecfs #cfs #ChronicLyme
It looks like this study may still recruiting people from the US
Researchers are recruiting ME/CFS, #ChronicLyme and #LongCovid patients for a study to better understand symptom flares such as post-exertional malaise (PEM), or “crashes”.
@longcovid #ptlds #longlyme #myalgicencephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme
#ChronicLyme #LongCovid #ptlds #longlyme #myalgicencephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme
Keep up to date on our Northern Virginia and Zoom events for people with and who care for people with
#fibromyalgia syndrome
and similar syndromes by joining our email list, CFSupport at
#mecfs #pots #LongCovid #fibromyalgia #ChronicLyme
Just heard about a 14-year-old who can't attend school this year because of #chroniclyme and is really depressed. So upsetting! If anyone in the NE US has advice about #lyme, please let me know because they are looking for a doctor who can help. #lymedisease
#lymedisease #Lyme #ChronicLyme
Excellent newsletter today from @douthatnyt. Covers lots of important territory and worth reading more than once. #LongCovid #mecfs #ChronicLyme
#LongCovid #mecfs #ChronicLyme
I have been seeing this for a long time. Curious if you know when this started. HIV/AIDS?
I know the #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis & #ChronicLyme communities concur after what they did in 1994.
This book (The Why by Hillary Johnson) explains the history of what the CDC did to #pwME.
Chronic Lyme info at
1994 was a pivotal year for systemic bias against chronically ill patients. That would be a great story for journalists to cover!
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicLyme #pwme
#ChronicLyme is so, so hard to live with. My health is always changing. Some days I’m okay some days I can’t get out of bed. It’s so frustrating. It’s like having something nice (Aka, health) within reach and having it taken away from you, over and over again.
Soo, hi. I have #LymeDisease more specifically #ChronicLyme I will post more about these in the future I promise! I’ve been sick since I was 15. So 9 years. I was only correctly diagnosed when I was 21, which was devastating for my health, letting the #Lyme run rampant for so long. I got a PICC line and it helped quite a bit. Then things got worse, PICC line went out, I developed gastritis from all the antibiotics. Had to switch docs because we weren’t sure treatment was working.
#LymeDisease #ChronicLyme #lyme
Thrilled to find Artisan Chat!! What a welcoming place this seems with lots of inspiration and support!
Some hashtags to by way of #Introduction during the #TwitterMigration : #Knitting #CrossStitch #Cats #YarnAddict #InclusiveYarnCommunity #IndieDesignerSupporter .
Other info : Live in #Canada with #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #ChronicLyme
#introduction #twittermigration #knitting #crossstitch #Cats #yarnaddict #inclusiveYarnCommunity #IndieDesignerSupporter #canada #chronicillness #chronicpain #ChronicLyme