@Keironmb saw it tonight at #Broadway #Nottingham with a Q&A with Dunstan Bruce. A great film, a lovely man and happy to keep talking after the event. #Chumbawumba
#broadway #nottingham #Chumbawumba
A 90's classic for the 30 day song challenge today. A song that reminds you of summer. A song that was a hit in the summer of 97.
That's not when it was released though. I used to work in an alternative nightclub in my teens, at the start of the 90's... We had Chumbawumba play a gig to just a couple hundred goth/metal clubbers... and they played this song. At least 5-6yrs before it was a hit.
#30daysongchallenge #day3 #Chumbawumba #tubthumping
This is a lovely film 'The Wild Tour' about a project called 'These Hills Are Ours' which includes running, countryside, lots of singing on top of hills. A collaboration between Boff Whalley of #Chumbawumba and Daniel Bye who is currently running the #SpineChallenger #SpineRace Dan has just gone through Horton and is number 393 for any of you #DotWatching https://youtu.be/GQVT9LCFutE
#Chumbawumba #spinechallenger #spinerace #dotwatching