Just spent 30 mins looking for a file on the coomputer so I can do some work using it. Now I've found it, feels like time for a snack break!
Meanwhile, as I was searching my files I found this video.
#clocks #ChurchClock
It might be my missed hearing first time round, yet.. the church clock was silent for over two years, then I heard it at nine at night then 7am in the morning. This morning it struck the numbers at 6am this morning. Is this a creeping introduction to full 24 hour clock strikes I ask myself. 😅 #ChurchClock #Village #Strikes
#Churchclock #village #strikes
@Beulah Alas, not as spooky as I thought. The hours are donging again from 7 this morning, apparently the clock has been reset but not to dong at night. It has been silent during lockdown but dongs once again! #Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #Bells #Clock
#Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #bells #clock
The church bells figure in my weekly life, My home and studio are close the the village church (just the old Glebe field inbetween) The bell ringers (campanologists) practise on a Monday night then regale the village for quite some time on a Sunday morning. There are times when I feel like Charles Laughton
as Quasimodo, The Bells, The Bells! 😅 #Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #Bells #Clock
#Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #bells #clock
Aha, I did speak too soon. The church clock has just donged out the hour 7 o'clock so it might be that some soul has switched it back on after the silence of the last two years but perhaps deigned to give us nighttime quiet by keeping it silent overnight. #Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #Bells #Clock
#Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #bells #clock
Last night the Church clock donged the hour. 9pm, just that hour no other. Very odd given the clock haven't donged for more than two years. Was it some sort of 9 o'clock portent? #Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #Bells #Clock
#Dong #Churchclock #VillageChurch #Northamptonshire #ForWhomTheBellTolls #bells #clock