Brian Klaas reports on the Life in the UK test he had to pass as he applies for dual US-UK citizenship. It began with a question about what became of St. Augustine after he christianized Britain and moved on to a question about the day on which Jesus died. Klaas says that, strangely, the following question wasn't asked:
"Which two countries automatically give religious leaders seats in parliament? The answer: the UK and Iran)."
#UK #ChurchofEngland #ChurchandState
#uk #ChurchofEngland #churchandstate
"The last time Anglican priests in England were asked, in 2014, shortly after the legalisation of same-sex civil marriage, 51% said same-sex marriage was 'wrong', compared with 39% who approved."
#homosexuality #SameSexMarriage #Anglican #ChurchofEngland
#homosexuality #samesexmarriage #anglican #ChurchofEngland
"In a major shift in attitudes over the past decade, a survey of priests in England conducted by the Times found that more than half supported a change in law to allow clergy to conduct the marriage of gay couples, with 53.4% in favour compared with 36.5% against."
~ Alexandra Topping
#homosexuality #SameSexMarriage #Anglican #ChurchofEngland
#homosexuality #samesexmarriage #anglican #ChurchofEngland
I am circulating a CFP for an edited volume on the #ChurchofEngland / #AnglicanChurch in the #Caribbean. There is a publisher on board.
I am particularly interested in reaching emerging scholars and scholars with cultural ties to the Caribbean. If you would like a copy of the CFP to share, or for yourself, please DM me and I'll send you an email address you can reach me at.
Thank you.
#ChurchofEngland #anglicanchurch #caribbean #histodons #caribbeanstudies
I am circulating a CFP for an edited volume on the #ChurchofEngland / #AnglicanChurch in the #Caribbean. There is a publisher on board.
I am particularly interested in reaching emerging scholars and scholars with cultural ties to the Caribbean. If you would like a copy of the CFP to share, or for yourself, please DM me and I'll send you an email address you can reach me at.
Thank you.
#ChurchofEngland #anglicanchurch #caribbean #histodons #caribbeanstudies
Paul in Coronation Street has Motor Neurone Disease.
Paul's boyfriend Billy's an archdeacon in the Church of England.
I guess Paul will die before the severity of the disease afflicts him.
(#CoronationStreet #Corrie #England #English #British #UK #UnitedKingdom #soap #soapopera #MND #motorneuronedisease #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Christianity #Christian #illness #death #grief #terminalillness #terminal #2023 #Europe #European #gay #men #gaymen #ChurchofEngland #CofE)
#coronationstreet #corrie #england #english #british #uk #UnitedKingdom #soap #Soapopera #mnd #MotorNeuroneDisease #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #christianity #christian #illness #death #grief #terminalillness #terminal #Europe #european #gay #men #gaymen #ChurchofEngland #cofe
I found this on NewsBreak: #sarahferguson Risks Royals' Ire As She Declares Meghan Markle Gives Rogue Prince Harry 'Love He's Never Felt Before'
The mystique is gone from the #royalfamily they are no longer beyond reproach. They are empty suits draped with medals they didn’t earn. Unlike #harry who fought in Afghanistan and isn’t allowed to wear his medals #sarahferguson is one of the good ones. The #firm is on life support. The #churchofEngland is dead.
#sarahferguson #royalfamily #harry #firm #ChurchofEngland #pedoprince #princeandrew now more popular than #princeharry but what can you expect in a family headed by #kingcharles who heads the #ChurchofEngland which represents the values of #henryviii
#pedoprince #princeandrew #princeharry #KingCharles #ChurchofEngland #henryviii
Reminder for the Church of England (and Church Times) that royalism and establishment are not necessary components of Anglicanism and it is a shame that this book does not include prayers of repentance for having a king other than YHWH and his Messiah. #Coronation #ChurchofEngland #ChurchTimes
#Coronation #ChurchofEngland #ChurchTimes
Religion has no place in law, please take a moment to look at and sign this if you agree.
#UK #ChurchofEngland #britishparliament
The willingness of many Christians today to split churches over their determation to make LGBTQ people pariahs is a wonder to behold — when Jesus had not a single word to say about homosexuality. And when the condemnation of LGBTQ people is based on a handfull of murky and misrendered bible verses — while the core of the message of the Jewish and Christian scriptures is about love, justice, and mercy.
#ChurchofEngland #homosexuality #anglicanism
Before tomorrows episode, why don’t you check out our episode on “The Bible Says” not being a starting point…
#Church #churchofengland #podcast #christian
#Church #ChurchofEngland #podcast #christian
As I read today about the proposal for the Church of England to reconsider use of gender-exclusive pronouns to speak of God, I'm thinking of this beautiful performance of Bobby McFerrin's rendition of the 23rd psalm by Cantus, which caused quite a kerfuffle when they made the video a bit over a decade ago.
Harriet Sherwood reports,
"The Church of England will offer church blessings to same-sex couples in civil marriages, in a profound shift in its stance on homosexuality after a historic vote by its governing body."
It has also agreed to apologise to LGBTQ+ people for the harm it has caused them, and to reconsider its ban on clergy entering same-sex civil marriages and its celibacy rule for clergy in same-sex relationships.
#ChurchofEngland #samesexmarriage #LGBTQIA
Justin Klawans reports that the Church of England is exploring the possibility of using gender-neutral pronouns to speak of God, since, as a church spokesperson notes, "Christians have recognized since ancient times that God is neither male nor female." As Christian theology has always recognized, all language applied to God is metaphorical, and this is true of gender terminology applied to God.
Better than nothing — but still not enough (a blessing is not a full wedding)
Church of England votes in favour of blessings for same-sex unions
Thankfully for LGBTQ+ Christians, there are other churches who will do same sex weddings
#FaithfullyLGBT #LGBTChristians #SameSexMarriage #ChurchOfEngland —
#faithfullylgbt #lgbtchristians #samesexmarriage #ChurchofEngland
Weeping tears of joy at this news (which is somewhat disrupting the New Testament marking I should be doing). The vote was closer than I'd have hoped, it's been far too long in coming and there's a long way to go, but it's a step in thy right direction. #ChurchOfEngland #Religion #Faith
#ChurchofEngland #religion #faith
#ChurchOfEngland Synod met with protests over same-sex blessing proposal: ‘Crumbs to the starving’
Non è affar mio dire come la #churchofengland debba definire #Dio, ma questo è sicuramente un altro penoso esempio di quanto sia folle la deriva #woke in voga in questi ultimi e dannati anni.
Bravo @nigel_farage!
RT @nigel_farage: The Church of England will consider using gender-neutral terms for God. They could even remove “Our Father” from the Lord’s Prayer. Nonsense!
Sandi Toksvig: I can't let the Church of England hurt LGBT people
#ChurchOfEngland #COfE #Christian #LGBTQ #Homophobia #Religion #JudeoChristian #Abrahamic
#ChurchofEngland #cofe #christian #lgbtq #homophobia #religion #judeochristian #abrahamic