I'm slowly going through the #cicerone #beer program this year, trying types in historical order, and have finally made my way from Germany to Britain. Usually when an American wants to try English pale ale, they turn to the popular Bass; but naming a beer "The Old Speckled Hen" is just so fucking British, I couldn't help myself. I have to admit, I didn't care for it, and it reminds me of the generic lager crap I was forced to drink in a pre-craft-brewery age (i.e. my entire twenties).
I'm slowly going through the #cicerone program of #beer identification this year, starting with classic Medieval European styles. (I've tried to stick to beers from the countries of origin, but am realizing that with the more obscure types, I simply must rely on American craft brewery versions.) #ViennaLager is basically the Austrian version of Czech pilsner (which American beers like Budweiser are based on), and I must admit I could tell no difference between this and other high-end lagers.
@drugantibuzz Naturalmente, tutti noi ricordiamo #Arpino come patria di Marco Tullio #Cicerone, il celebre retore antipopolare. Ma Arpino è anche la patria di suo fratello, Quinto Cicerone, quello che ha scritto il "Manualetto di campagna elettorale":
«Preoccupati che siano sempre pronti e a portata di mano tutti i trucchi del mestiere favorevoli a quest'arte, che, lo so bene, tu tieni in serbo».
(testo completo qui: http://web.tiscali.it/latino/Cicerone_opere/petitionis.htm )
"Se possedete una biblioteca e un giardino, avete tutto ciò che vi serve." (Cicerone)
#mastolibri #biblioteca #aforisma #Cicerone