:happy: Just found this on the bird net :happy:
📣 📣 📣 Delighted to distribute the announcement of the 6th European Cilia conference CILIA2024
I can't wait to meet everyone and present our work in Dublin!
To those not familiar with cilia and flagella: these are the greatest organelles of all 😊
#Cilia2024 #Cilia2022 #RareDisease #ADPKD #BBS
#DevBiol #CellBiology #Science
#cilia2024 #Cilia2022 #raredisease #adpkd #bbs #devbiol #cellbiology #science
📣 Today the very last invoice of "EMBO Cilia2022" in :koeln: was finally transferred and so this chapter closes. :koelsch: :happy:
A final huge THANK YOU to ALL who made this meeting such a success.
Looking forward to meeting you in Dublin at Cilia2024 🙂
#Cilia2022 #CIlia2024 @cilia #EMBOCilia2022
@UniKoeln #science #ciliopathy #RareDisease
#Cilia2022 #cilia2024 #embocilia2022 #science #ciliopathy #raredisease
🧬 Kidney Research Close Up 🧬
Last week the NPH patient and family support organization 'NEPHTHI-N' followed our invitation and visited our lab:
Imaging kidney slides, looking at colorful cilia, watching C. elegans, and seeing some of the work behind the curtain.
We really enjoyed this interaction and hope it will continue! 😀
A zoom science talk is already scheduled.
#cilia2022 #Ciliopathies #RareDiseases #CIlia @cilia @CECAD @UniKoeln #UniklinikKoeln
#Cilia2022 #ciliopathies #RareDiseases #Cilia #uniklinikkoeln
Welcome to the #ScienceFediverse, Cirenia! Fantastic to see you here!
I'm still totally blown away by your awesome artwork at EMBO #Cilia2022
📣 To our dear registered participants:
Online access to the media server of EMBO #Cilia2022 will end in two days! (Nov 6)
Enjoy a final look at posters & talks! 🙂👍
#Cilia2022 #Cilia #ciliopathy #biology #lifesciences