Largest US Grid Declares Emergency Alert For July 27
PJM Interconnection LLC has declared a level one emergency for the 13-state eastern US grid and called on all power plants to operate at full capacity Thursday during a heat wave.
#heatwave #powergrid #emergency #easternUS #capacity #cimateemergency #climatedenial #climateaction
#heatwave #powergrid #emergency #easternus #capacity #CimateEmergency #ClimateDenial #climateaction
On #ClimateChange, #CimateEmergency,
I met another person, who also thinks that we won't manage climate change. Denying climate change, will become more and more a phsycological protection function.
Hence, the question is: Why would someone not deny climate change, when it only fuels apocalyptic thinking? 🤔
#ClimateChange #CimateEmergency