Very interesting framing by #California state senator Dave Cortese and assemblyman Ash Karla on the recent highway offramp closures around #SanJose during #CincoDeMayo. They claim that Caltrans’ action was “racist targeting” and “blatantly unconstitutional”.
I disagree, of course: the closures were prudent as they prevented predictable #sideshows and #takeovers from occurring during a Friday night celebration.
But maybe I’m missing something here. I know racist anti-cruising laws were only recently repealed, but I think this closure allowed *more* cruising, not less. I would appreciate it if someone from #sfba could help me learn why this action can be perceived as racially motivated.
“Two State Lawmakers Question Cinco de Mayo Weekend Off-Ramp Closures in San Jose”
#california #sanjose #CincoDeMayo #sideshows #takeovers #sfba
We running a weekend of special Cinco de Mayo programming on our Specials channel. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with some of our favorite Latino-driven music:
#CincoDeMayo #latinalternative
#CincoDeMayo #latinalternative
A Cinco de Mayo Wordle magic trick:
It's 5/5, my favorite number is 5, and I solved Wordle 685 out of nowhere on guess number 5...
#Wordle #Wordle685 #Friday #CincoDeMayo #favoritenumber #magic #magictrick
Wordle 685 5/6
#Wordle #wordle685 #friday #CincoDeMayo #favoritenumber #magic #magictrick
Today, #CincoDeMayo, we celebrate Mexicans killing the French. But it is ok, because in July on #BastilleDay we will celebrate the French killing the French.
(I have nothing against the French or France just as I have nothing against Emacs, but I enjoy lighthearted rivalries.)
#nsfw #gay #5demayo #CincoDeMayo #barechestman #hairychest #maxicanbreakfast #huevosdemejico
¡Día de NORTEC!
RITMOS TROPICOSMOS is so excited for the show tonight. Nortec Collective
are heroes for some in the band. Our set is about 1/3 brand new material we can't wait to share with you, and if you've never seen us-it's all new to you.
Come on out SFBA!
Thursday May 4, 2023
Ritmos Tropicosmos
Philthy Dronez
DJ Sonido DiscoMovil Salazar
with food from Mi Morena
7pm doors
$25 adv $30 doors
all ages
Rickshaw Stop
155 Fell Street
San Francisco
#cumbia #nortec #tropicosmos #darkwave #ElectronicMusic #MayThe4thBeWithYou #CincoDeMayo
#cumbia #nortec #tropicosmos #darkwave #electronicmusic #maythe4thbewithyou #CincoDeMayo
Shameless self-promotion time! We've been hand-printing merch this week for the Cinco de Mayo event in Vallejo: Aprons, totes, doggie bandanas, kids wear and parade flags. 10am ~ 4pm Saturday on the 200 block of Georgia; a benefit for the Solano County Aids Coalition.
Back to back events at La Cocina! On Thur May 4th Fluid Coop and TLCBD hosts "TenderMic" Open Mic Night from 5- 8pm. Then Fri May 5th come eat and dance where we will be serving food and drink specials along with a local DJ to enjoy from 11am-2:30pm!!
#FluidCoopSF #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin #ILTW #CincodeMayo #LaCocina #LaCocinaMarketplace #LiveMusic #Marketplace #TenderloinSF #TheTenderloin #tenderloin
#fluidcoopsf #tenderloinsf #thetenderloin #Tenderloin #iltw #CincoDeMayo #lacocina #lacocinamarketplace #livemusic #marketplace
RT tim_fargo: I want to die a slave to principles. Not to men. - Emiliano Zapata #CincoDeMayo