Hey folks @Blenster
has the mockup for the ebadge and we are excited for it!
There's still time to reserve a badge for pickup at #CircleCityCon 10.0 #Whodunit
Fundraiser ends Apr 28.
#CircleCityCon #Whodunit #badgelife
Anyone down for #Badgelife? #CircleCityCon is celebrating 10 years of conferencing, community, and learning with an eBadge in the shape of our first year's logo.
πFor a $100 donation , you can secure a badge for pickup at the con. Campaign ends Apr 28.
We're coming up on year 10 of #CircleCityCon.
Thats a long time for a conference to be around. Many people gave their first ever talks here. Many people experienced their first con here. Many people got their first Infosec or IT job here. And for #Indy, it was the first #hacker con.
What has CircleCityCon meant to you? What is your favorite memory?
One of ours has to be when our dear friend revRance (RIP) kicked us off at the first CircleCityCon in 2014 with a kickass set. His presence is missed every year, but we always remember his love for us and his giving nature to all the hacker community.
π’π Just 1 more day to submit your talk at CircleCityCon 10 cc @CircleCityCon! https://cfptime.org/cfps/1628/ #cfp #infosec #CircleCityCon
You have less than 2 hours to save 25 bucks on a ticket to #CircleCityCon. Currently it is 100.
If you are a student, we still have some free student tickets available courtesy of some generous student sponsors!
Icymi, TODAY is the last day to get a ticket to @CircleCityCon #WHODUNIT JUNE 23 THRU 25 for just $100.
Tomorrow it goes up to 125. So save 25 bucks by getting your ticket today, rather than tonorrow.
#infosec #conferences #cyber #hackers #hacking #circlecitycon #indianapolis #indytech
#Whodunit #infosec #conferences #cyber #hackers #hacking #CircleCityCon #indianapolis #indytech
@dnsprincess of @CircleCityCon and @BishopFox is giving a talk about surveillance and your mobile/cellphone @cactuscon
#cactuscon11 #CircleCityCon #privacy
Early Bird tickets are still available!
Price for a ticket to #CircleCityCon 10.0 increases Feb 1st! You have 7days to save 25 bucks!
Get your ticket now for $100
If you are a #student, you can grab one of several free tickets currently available with the code SponsoredStudent at checkout.
Thanks to all the folks who sponsored a student to make that happen!
The #CFP and #CFT for #CircleCityCon 10.0 #WHODUNIT are ending TONIGHT
You have a concept you can present on? SUBMIT IT! You do not have to be dropping cves or new code at this conference. We prioritize educating and information the community (though if you wanna drop a cve or new code, wed love to see that too!)
You learn how to use a new tool last year and want to teach others? Then SUBMIT IT to the CFT! It can be a 2 hour 4 hour 8 hour 2day training. If you have something you would like to share to others, we want to see it :)
Wireshark, one of the most well known tools there is got really good attendance last year. People want to see super 1337 sessions as well as very beginner ones. We are all in need of intro sessions in something.
#cfp #cft #CircleCityCon #Whodunit
π’π Just 1 more day to submit your talk at Circle City Con cc @CircleCityCon! https://cfptime.org/cfps/1572/ #cfp #infosec #circlecitycon
π We need your help.
Our #nonprofit mission is to bring trainings to people entering or already in the #Infosec and #IT industry especially for people who cannot afford to spend thousands to go to other trainings, bootcamps, and week long seminars. We have community trainers who put a lot of effort and love into ensuring people get quality information and hands on experience with tools, methods, concepts, and practices.
We cannot do this without donations from attendees, donors, and our sponsors.
By Sponsoring #CircleCityCon, you are supporting a nonprofit geared towards providing a community space to learn and grow skills. By doing this, we transform lives, help people realize new careers, and help companies get skilled people they need in their workforce.
With a sponsorship, a company can associate their brand with this mission and support efforts. With a booth level sponsorship, a company can recruit entry, intermediate, and senior level talent or make attendees aware of products, services, and other opportunities available via your company.
With a sponsorship, you become a key partner in delivering our mission. We cannot do it without you!
If you are a company who would like to #sponsor CircleCityCon 2023 or know a company that may be interested, please email sponsors@circlecitycon.org or go to our website at https://circlecitycon.org/donors-sponsors/ and download our prospectus.
See you at the con!
#nonprofit #infosec #it #CircleCityCon #sponsor
π’π Just 1 more week to submit your talk at Circle City Con cc @CircleCityCon! https://cfptime.org/cfps/1572/ #cfp #infosec #circlecitycon
Who remembers this key note with @rayredacted ?
#TBT #infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #conference #CircleCityCon
#CircleCityCon #tbt #infosec #cybersecurity #hacking #conference
Understanding how to read a pcap is important when delving into #NetworkSecurity analysis work. Take for instance this example ftp conversation. There are many things one can learn about security using FTP. For instance the password is in plaintext so an encryption or safer authentication method is needed for communication. Which is where SFTP and FTPS come into play.
220 Playtronics FTP Server
USER cosmo
331 Password required for cosmo.
PASS TooManySecrets
230 User cosmo logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
211-Extensions supported:
211 End.
200 "FlashFXP" noted.
250 CWD command successful. "/" is current directory.
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I.
SIZE research.txt
213 295
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,193,28,86)
RETR research.txt
150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for research.txt (295 bytes).
Tat dcodsaret ee otnse ui tidtsu. yltgsle ils btfn enbmdche eel icla ea ieh dpreead rta irea eoeienrai olss m ceieaedye. Apar nszaooeaoh tih isrg noea icicsmasa oenenp lpg bhyinta pt ah snoaberrne eaoeoyfoctlt olodgcc tcnserrfh nhit edinora pc fneoneslsaprcl lthe 2 yybsni qb bt nulc pn natouy.S
#networksecurity #infosec #CircleCityCon
Understanding how to read a pcap is important when delving into #NetworkSecurity analysis work. Take for instance this example ftp conversation. There are many things one can learn about security using FTP. For instance the password is in plaintext so an encryption or safer authentication method is needed for communication. Which is where SFTP and FTPS come into play.
220 Playtronics FTP Server
USER cosmo
331 Password required for cosmo.
PASS TooManySecrets
230 User cosmo logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
211-Extensions supported:
211 End.
200 "FlashFXP" noted.
250 CWD command successful. "/" is current directory.
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I.
SIZE research.txt
213 295
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,193,28,86)
RETR Music.mp3
150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for research.txt (295 bytes).
Tat dcodsaret ee otnse ui tidtsu. yltgsle ils btfn enbmdche eel icla ea ieh dpreead rta irea eoeienrai olss m ceieaedye. Apar nszaooeaoh tih isrg noea icicsmasa oenenp lpg bhyinta pt ah snoaberrne eaoeoyfoctlt olodgcc tcnserrfh nhit edinora pc fneoneslsaprcl lthe 2 yybsni qb bt nulc pn natouy.S
#networksecurity #infosec #CircleCityCon
Holy wizbangs and doodles! Someone just sponsored 8 student tickets to #CircleCityCon 10.0 #WHODUNIT
Several Students can grab free tickets right now at https://registration.circlecitycon.org using the code "SponsoredStudent" at checkout.
If you would like to #SponsoredAStudent you can go to Circlecitycon.org and click the "Sponsor a Student" button in the nav bar!
#CircleCityCon #Whodunit #sponsoredastudent
π’π Just 2 more weeks to submit your talk at Circle City Con cc @CircleCityCon! https://cfptime.org/cfps/1572/ #cfp #infosec #circlecitycon
As we approach the new year lets hear about what CVEs were most impactful to you and your teams? Was it spring4shell, the Chrome zero-day, or something different? Tell us which and why?
#cve #infosecurity #vulnerability #circlecitycon #whodoneit
#cve #infosecurity #vulnerability #CircleCityCon #WhoDoneIt
We just got a new Student Ticket Sponsor! So theres another free ticket for #CircleCityCon available with the code SponsoredStudent when you select a student ticket on https://registration.circlecitycon.org
Its just $50 to sponsor a student. We had over 80 tickets sponsored last year by several people and we are super thankful for their help in getting training, networking, and hands on experience opportunities to those trying toventer the infosec/hacking world!
Miss out on a ticket to #ShmooCon? You can still get tickets to another fantastic con!
For 80 buck (when you use the code WhoDoneMon at checkout) you can get a ticket to #CircleCityCon 10.0 #WHODUNIT?
We are happening June 23-25 2023.
Also, if your talk didnt happen to make the final cut for Shmoo or missed that deadline, theres still time to submit to our #CFP AND #CFT which closes January 14th 2023.
Talk submissions
Training submissions
#shmoocon #CircleCityCon #Whodunit #cfp #cft