Earlier this week I flew over McChord field and got to see a fleet of C-17 GlobeMaster aircraft.
These are very big boys and were used in the refugee evac of Afghanistan (among other missions), sometimes carrying more than 800 people on a single flight.
I did this after three approaches for IFR currency at KHQM, KOLM, and KTIW in a #Cirrus SR-22 Turbo.
Im so stupendously lucky to be able to fly as a hobby, and I love sharing these experiences with people. #aviation #flying
#Cirrus aircraft, which I fly IRL, was the best selling general aviation aircraft in 2019 and narrowly missed #1 in the years since. It is headquartered here in the US and employs thousands of employees directly, and thousands more indirectly.
But its mostly owned by foreign investors, and it is filing for a foreign #IPO and listing on a foreign stock exchange.
It feels bad that such a great product made in America is IPO'ing elsewhere. #aviation
I saw two solar halo phenomena in high clouds but I only managed to cap one. I think it's a 46° halo, but they're rare so maybe it's a colourless infralateral arc?
I've already capped double sundogs and a weak 22° halo this year so I'm on a roll.
#AtmosphericOptics #OpticalPhenomenon #OpticalPhenomena #halo #IceHalo #SolarHalo #46DegreeHalo #Cirrus #Cloud #Clouds ? #InfralateralArc ?
#atmosphericoptics #halo #opticalphenomenon #opticalphenomena #icehalo #solarhalo #46degreehalo #Cirrus #cloud #clouds #infralateralarc
The #sky is veiled in #Cirrus #clouds on this #Remembrance day in The Netherlands.
#cloudscape #cloudspotter #cloudspotting #CloudAppreciation #weather #BlueSky
#sky #Cirrus #clouds #remembrance #cloudscape #cloudspotter #cloudspotting #cloudappreciation #weather #bluesky
I fly #Cirrus SR20s and SR22s IRL and I use #MSFS to augment actual training.
I'd been waiting eagerly for the Cirrus SF-50 #VisionJet paid DLC to release, and I gave up on checking six months ago.
Last night I was browsing the marketplace and saw it available. Bought it (after some hiccups), downloaded, installed and did two a "quick" flights.
I'm in love!
I hope I get to fly it IRL at some point.
On an aviation podcast I listen to, I heard about how challenging the #KLGB VOR 30 approach could be, so I decided to give it a go in #MSFS in the #Cirrus SR22
In a sim in a prop plane, it wasn't too challenging, but I can see where in real life with a faster aircraft without the fancy avionics it would be a lot harder.
IRL I doubt I would use this approach with ceilings less than 1000.
Espectacular disposición de #cirrus uncinus y cirrus floccus ahora mismo en Palma. Este tipo de nubes están formadas por pequeños cristalitos de hielo adoptan la forma típica de una pluma☁️🪶
Cirrus loses chief engineer in crash amid FAA directive that grounded its planes - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2023/02/27/cirrus-loses-chief-engineer-in-crash-amid-faa.html
Look up if you’re in Southern England this morning! Large areas of #cirrus and #cirrocumulus are producing some wonderful #cloudscapes!
#weather #ukweather #satelliteimage #NOAA19
#Cirrus #cirrocumulus #cloudscapes #weather #ukweather #SatelliteImage #NOAA19
Tres fotos, tres #Nubes diferentes. Estas son los tres tipos de nubes altas (las que empiezan por cirro-), concretamente, cirros, cirrostratos y cirrocúmulos. Son nubes blanquitas, con cierto grado de transparencia, formadas por cristales de hielo.
En las descripciones de cada imagen hay algunos detalles más.
#nubes #Cirrus #cirrostratus #cirrocumulus
Fascinating evidence shows that as a result of #GlobalWarming, #cirrus #clouds will increase in height and enhance the warming effect, whilst lower #stratocumulus #cloud (which normally cools the planet) will dissipate, causing further warming.
There is also evidence that decreasing #pollution will reduce the aerosols needed for stratocumulus to form, enhancing warming even further.
#GlobalWarming #Cirrus #clouds #stratocumulus #Cloud #pollution
Today I finished a learning course that allows me to fly my airplane into known icing conditions, and use its de- / anti- icing systems to remove ice build up on its surfaces. (FIKI)
Flying through clouds at freezing temps is common in the PNW and few personal aircraft have the luxury of this system.
Having access to this system means more flying during the winter months.
#aviation #Cirrus #fiki #sr22t
Simba in Zanzibar
#flying #aviation #cirrusaircraft #Cirrus #pilotsofmastodon
June 8, 2016, morning
Sterling, Massachusetts
#photography #BlackAndWhite #Cirrus #clouds #sky #CellTower
I love watching the weather change. Here is a photo of a clear sky being slowly invaded by #cirrus - a sure sign of a weather change or the leading edge of a cold front. It wispiness is truly captivating and can be spectacular at sunset. Taken in ca 2008.
Here are some #filmphotograpy shots with a disposable #kodak camera reloaded with #kodaktrix film. Kept it in my flight bag. I mainly fly #Cirrus #SR20 planes here in #losangeles
#filmphotograpy #kodak #kodaktrix #Cirrus #SR20 #losangeles