What will #citizenscience look like in 5 years?
That is what our partners from @nesta_uk were asking the @ArsElectronica festival-goers today!
from air pollution-detecting toys to integrated community smart apps, it was so much fun to think about the future of #citsci!
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/impetus4cs/status/1699443465258479870
RT @CitieSHealthEU: Extreme Citizen Science: engages remote communities. Analysis and Visualisation https://cordis.europa.eu/article/id/442682-extreme-citizen-science-engages-remote-communities via @CORDIS_EU cc @Ideas_4_Change @SciencefChange @citscicomm @EuCitSci @EUCitSciProject @FECYT_Ciencia @CCiudadanaEs #citsci #CitizenScience
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/CORDIS_EU/status/1638847151794176001
@libroraptor I do plenty of ecological monitoring on campus myself, and ask the students in our ecology classes to do it too. I find that collecting real data is a great way to teach field identification and observation skills.
Seeing real patterns and trends emerge later, many of which nobody has noticed before, is an extra bonus and a great motivator for students.
#EcologicalMonitoring #classroom #students #CitSci
#EcologicalMonitoring #classroom #students #CitSci
RT @CitSciNL@twitter.com
Wij zijn er klaar voor! Tot zometeen bij de #CSNL2022 netwerkmeeting!
We are ready for you! See you soon at the #CSNL2022 network meeting!
#NPOS #CitizenScience #OpenScience #burgerwetenschap #CitSci #SocietalEngagement #Citizens
π¦π: https://twitter.com/CitSciNL/status/1600409765317791744
#CSNL2022 #NPOS #citizenscience #openscience #burgerwetenschap #CitSci #SocietalEngagement #citizens
RT @StepChangeEU: Organizing an event in the context of #EUSEW2022
πmaybe of interest for our project partners @WECFDeutschland. They are leading a #citsci initiative on #energy communities, exploring how this kind of innovative approaches can contribute to the achievement of #climate goals
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/euenergyweek/status/1539945654885224459
#EUSEW2022 #CitSci #energy #climate
RT @cstrackproject: "The inclusion of diverse audiences in #CitizenScience is of vast importance for the progress of the field and for creating real impact on science and society." Dr. Raul Drachman, @cstrackproject
πRead the full article: https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine/know-if-citizen-science-successful-measure-it
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/REA_research/status/1519215374675451905
#citizenscience #CitSci #H2020
RT @cstrackproject
This graph shows the distribution of #CitizenScience projects by country. (*data was extracted from 52 different platforms and organisational websites.)
Learn more about our findings: https://cstrack.eu/graphical-article/cs-track-database-first-statistical-results/
#OpenScience #Data #OpenData #CitSci #H2020 #Horizon2020 #SDGs
#sdgs #horizon2020 #h2020 #CitSci #openData #data #OpenScience #citizenscience