Eng: Hello all. Today I wanted to show you my finished imperial knight castellan. It's name is Aeustus Ruptor of house Havström. Hopefully you all like it :) #40k #minipainting #art #Citadel #warhammer
Nor: Hei alle sammen. I dag ønsket jeg å vise deg min ferdige keiserlige ridder castellan. Den heter Aeustus Ruptor av huset Havström. Forhåpentligvis liker dere alle det :)
#40k #minipainting #art #Citadel #warhammer
Seriál #Citadel se dočká druhé řady
Ich schau gerade die nächste Folge von #Citadel auf #PrimeVideo. Ich liebe die deutsche Synchronstimme von #StanleyTucci. Auch in #Transformers und #TheFirstAvenger ist mir das schon aufgefallen 🤗
#Citadel #PrimeVideo #stanleytucci #transformers #thefirstavenger
Amazon Original: Citadel
Hier eine kurze Serien-Empfehlung: Citadel auf Amazon Prime. :-)
Ich bin mehr oder weniger in der letzten Woche über diese Serie gestolpert und bin eigentlich hellhörig geworden, als ich erfuhr, dass einer der möglichen nächsten James-Bond-Darsteller dort mitspielt. Richard Madden ist in dieser Agenten- und Syndikat-Serie einer der Hauptdarste
#Allgemeines #AmazonOriginal #AmazonPrimeVideo #Citadel
#Citadel #amazonprimevideo #amazonoriginal #allgemeines
La serie de acción y espionaje #Citadel es el debut de una franquicia global interconectada que comienza ahora con un reparto liderado por Richard Madden y Priyanka Chopra Jonas. Ya en #PrimeVideo.
Crítica de @davicine:
#Citadel really is as terrible as I'd read. I guess there's an audience for that kind of show, but it sure isn't me.
They got really bad an noteworthy critique from rolling stone
I wouldn't watch it as entertainment
#Citadel is the biggest market maker and hedgefund, owned by Ken Griffin prime sponsor of de Santis.
Their logo appears at different points.
Interestingly Amazon, Citadel and Mitt Romney are connected via a leveraged bux company calley Bain Capital (like the villain in Batman) they strategically destroy enterprises for decades
You don't have to understand #series on #AmazonPrime, do you? They supposedly cost an extreme amount of money and are often exceedingly subpar. #Citadel apparently follows on directly from #RingsofPower. Underwhelming - pass (after 1,5 episodes)!
#series #amazonprime #Citadel #RingsofPower #movies #tvshows
Priyanka Chopra Jonas & Richard Madden Embark on a Spy Mission in ‘Citadel’: How to Watch the Prime Video Series for Free
Check it out! 👇
#StanleyTucci #PriyankaChopra #PrimeVideo #Citadel #ProductRecommendations #Culture
#stanleytucci #priyankachopra #primevideo #Citadel #productrecommendations #culture
#Ken #Griffin moved to #Florida with #Citadel. He sponsoring this mess.
Griffin has also gone all in on Ron #desantis
He is building a think tank called griffincatalyst, similar to Cato Institute or Heritage foundation of the libertarian Koch Brothers.
They all work like this:
1.Deflect attention onto your rivals.
2.Build a fake charitable reputation.
3.Buy media influence.
4.Fill political coffers with money.
6.High-minded, yet empty, promises and words.
#ken #griffin #florida #Citadel #desantis
A solitary PBSC Dark Elf to menace The Old Word #Citadel #miniaturepainting #Oldhammer #Wargaming #WarhammerCommunity #WarhammerFantasyBattle #WFRP #Twitch
#Citadel #miniaturepainting #oldhammer #wargaming #WarhammerCommunity #warhammerfantasybattle #wfrp #twitch
The money man behind #desantis is hedgefund manager #KenGriffin with #Citadel who just managed with a 300 mln $ donation to name the Harvard school of Arts and Sciences after him.
Also if you are not familiar
➡️ Ken Griffin lied under oath⬅️
You want to hurt them?
Look at #superstonk 200k people who try to #DRS the float of #GME
They track his jet for over a year now.
Thats the huge story everyone is missing imo.
#desantis #KenGriffin #Citadel #superstonk #drs #gme #florida #miami
A small band of Citadel Dwarves have emerged from a bit of streaming. Feel free to find me on there #Citadel #miniaturepainting #Oldhammer #Wargaming #WarhammerCommunity #WarhammerFantasyBattle #WFRP #Twitch
#Citadel #miniaturepainting #oldhammer #wargaming #WarhammerCommunity #warhammerfantasybattle #wfrp #twitch
Meine Sportübung heute Abend: In jeden Farbtopf eine silberne Kugel werfen, fest zudrücken und dann *schütteln, schütteln, schütteln* 😁
#Citadel #miniaturepainting #warhammer
In a short flurry of secret Twitch streams I have finished a Marauder Miniatures Shade #Citadel #miniaturepainting #Wargaming #WarhammerCommunity #WarhammerFantasyBattle
#Citadel #miniaturepainting #wargaming #WarhammerCommunity #warhammerfantasybattle
#estrenos de abril #yonomeaburroestrenos en #PrimeVideo
On a Wing and a Prayer, película con #DennisQuaid y Heather Graham
#Citadel, con Richard Madden y #PriyankaChopa
Más estrenos: https://www.yonomeaburro.net/p/calendario-series-2012.html
#estrenos #yonomeaburroestrenos #primevideo #dennisquaid #Citadel #priyankachopa
So my yearly book reads are about typical for me. Only about one per month -- since I don't read any times other than my lunch hours and in doctor's waiting rooms and ERs/Hospitals (my husband is complicated that way).
#TheThreeBodyProblem #DeadSilence #ExpeditionaryForce #DancerFromTheDance #LeviathanFalls #TimeIsAMother #InhibitorPhase #TheLordOfTheSandsOfTime #StarTrekDestinyMereMortals #StarTrekDestinyLostSouls #The1619Project #FugitiveTelemetry #Citadel #Books #Bookstodon #SciFiBooks
#thethreebodyproblem #deadsilence #expeditionaryforce #dancerfromthedance #leviathanfalls #timeisamother #inhibitorphase #thelordofthesandsoftime #startrekdestinymeremortals #startrekdestinylostsouls #the1619project #fugitivetelemetry #Citadel #books #bookstodon #scifibooks
Test: Miniaturen Primer – Citadel Chaos Black vs. Pitch Black von MiniatureAid [Alpha Version]
In diesem Video teste ich die altbekannte Grundierung von #Citadel "Chaos Black" versus die relativ neue Alphaversion des "Pitch Black" von MiniatureAid (@taschengelddieb9742 ).
Kann der Neuling gegen den alten Hasen be
#youkraut #produktreview #exxeshobbytisch #Citadel
#battletech #alphastrike #catalystgamelabs #maketabletopgreatagain #mechforce #mechforcegermany #mechs #miniatureart #battlemech
A bunch of primed minis waiting for some color. How can find the #armypainter ones between all the #citadel dudes ;)
#Citadel #armypainter #battlemech #miniatureart #mechs #mechforcegermany #MechForce #maketabletopgreatagain #catalystgamelabs #alphastrike #battletech