It's been a while since I did an #introduction and I'm looking for more cool peeps to engage with, so here's some of my favorite things lately. Forgive the excessive tags.
#AmReading #FSFi Children of Time, #Discworld and lots of #nonfiction
#AmWriting #FanFiction and plotting a #HopePunk novel about a reluctant bog witch.
#AmPlaying #VideoGames #IWasATeenageExocolonist #ttrpg #Starfinder #BoardGames #Nemesis and #Citadels
#anthonybourdain #stationeleven #amwatching #Citadels #nemesis #boardgames #starfinder #ttrpg #IWasATeenageExocolonist #videogames #amplaying #hopepunk #fanfiction #amwriting #nonfiction #discworld #fsfi #amreading #introduction
@nocto I got the coins from #Etsy, the game (#Citadels) comes with small plastic button coins. As it’s a #BoardGame we’ve played a number of times it was worth spending the extra £20-£30 on the metal coins.
Here’s a link to the Etsy store -
- "Das Streben nach Glück" geht immer. #ThePursuitOfHappiness
- #DeadMansDraw oder #Skyjo
- Wenn Du die richtigen Mitspieler hast ist #CosaNostra super, oder #Citadels
- #Nemesis und #Ankh finde ich gut sind aber für ne lockere Freitagsrunde wohl zu schwer.
#ThePursuitOfHappiness #DeadMansDraw #Skyjo #CosaNostra #Citadels #nemesis #ankh
One thing I left out of my #Introduction the other day is that I love #BoardGames! My wife has three separate board game groups to meet her insatiable appetite for gaming, but I prob only play one per week.
Here are my faves:
I also love #CardGames, especially #MayI and #HandAndFootCanasta
#introduction #boardgames #quacksofquedlinburg #patchwork #threesisters #Citadels #Splendor #azul #cascadia #Everdell #starrealms #carcassonne #cardgames #mayi #handandfootcanasta