To qoute - The Common Ground analysis includes 1800+ pieces of data on the problems we face, the concerns we have and the solutions we prefer - with 250+ common ground policies identified in total. For example:
75% of all voters want a #Green New Deal for green #jobs and infrastructure
65% want a £15 minimum #wage
74% want #rent controls to help with the cost of living crisis
Between 65 and 69% of voters want #nationalisation of #energy #water #rail #buses and #mail .
78% want the NHS run in the public sector and 65% support tax rises to #boost #NHS funding
83% want free social care for the over-65s.
FYI, some will say that, to paraphrase, "we can't afford X, Y or Z". But, bare in mind that some will say we can't afford to mitigate climate change.
Let's *not* listen to ignorance, corrupt & foolish thinking. We can afford, and more, all aforementioned policies. " All", we need to do is to have policies that redistribute our resources more fairly.
So, don't vote for the rich & corrupt salespeople whom made their wealth by "investing" in dark money thats associated with degrading ecology.
Research how they made their money. Is that a conflict of interests when "serving" the people as a politician?
#CommonGood #cooperation #cooperative #CitizenNetwork #OpenDemocracy #UK #politics
#green #rent #nationalisation #energy #water #rail #buses #mail #boost #nhs #jobs #wage #commongood #cooperation #cooperative #CitizenNetwork #opendemocracy #uk #politics
To qoute - The Common Ground analysis includes 1800+ pieces of data on the problems we face, the concerns we have and the solutions we prefer - with 250+ common ground policies identified in total. For example:
75% of all voters want a #Green New Deal for green #jobs and infrastructure
65% want a £15 minimum #wage
74% want #rent controls to help with the cost of living crisis
Between 65 and 69% of voters want #nationalisation of #energy #water #rail #buses and #mail .
78% want the NHS run in the public sector and 65% support tax rises to #boost #NHS funding
83% want free social care for the over-65s.
#CommonGood #cooperation #cooperative #CitizenNetwork #OpenDemocracy #UK #politics
#wage #water #green #jobs #cooperative #CitizenNetwork #opendemocracy #uk #nationalisation #mail #energy #rail #buses #rent #boost #nhs #commongood #cooperation #politics