Citizens Advice reveal number of Britons who couldn’t afford electricity in 2022 | The Independent

People who should not be put on prepayment meters for health reasons being forced onto them

Citizens Advice bureau says it saw more people who were unable to top up their meter in 2022 than in the whole of the last 10 years combined

#CitizensAdviceBureau #cab #prepaymentmeter #energyprices #fuelpoverty #Ofgem #disabled #ChronicallySick #vulnerable #costoflivingcrisis

Last updated 2 years ago

Citizens Advice reveal number of Britons who couldn’t afford electricity in 2022 | The Independent

People who should not be put on prepayment meters for health reasons being forced onto them

Citizens Advice bureau says it saw more people who were unable to top up their meter in 2022 than in the whole of the last 10 years combined

#CitizensAdviceBureau #cab #prepaymentmeter #energyprices #fuelpoverty #Ofgem #disabled #ChronicallySick #vulnerable

Last updated 2 years ago

Third of adults would find it ‘difficult or impossible’ to find extra £20 | The Independent

People are being forced to take increasingly desperate measures, such as eating cold meals to cut costs, Citizens Advice said

#costoflivingcrisis #CistOfSurvivingCrisis #CitizensAdviceBureau #cab

Last updated 2 years ago