Grenada Citizenship by Investment statistics by Ministry of Finance and Energy Grenada
Topics #Grenada, #CitizenshipbyInvestment, #neocolonialism, #imperialism, #Caribbean
data on Grenada's citizenship by investment program taken from the government's Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economic Development & Physical Developments website. while all documents were found on the Ministry's site, some of them were not listed on the citizenship by investment statistics page. filenames have not been changed.
#Grenada #CitizenshipbyInvestment #neocolonialism #imperialism #caribbean
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment reports by Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit
Topics #AntiguaandBarbuda, #CitizenshipbyInvestment, #neocolonialism, #china, #imperialism, #caribbean
government reports on Antigua and Barbuda's citizenship by investment program, taken from the official website.
#AntiguaandBarbuda #CitizenshipbyInvestment #neocolonialism #china #imperialism #caribbean