Currently participating in the 2022 Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum #CLAC Conference. There is still time to register and attend this afternoon’s sessions, including a plenary by India Plough. #languages
Currently participating in the 2022 Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum #CLAC Conference. There is still time to register and attend this afternoon’s sessions, including a plenary by India Plough. #languages
“Som el contrapès per evitar els desastres que genera el lliure mercat” #CoordinadoraLatinoamericanaydelCaribedePequeños(as)Productores(as)yTrabajadores(as)deComercioJusto #sobiraniaalimentària #Comerçjust #Suplement #CLAC
#coordinadoralatinoamericanaydelcaribedepequenos #sobiraniaalimentaria #comercjust #suplement #Clac