It seems literally impossible to get #ClangFormat to not align stuff.
Don't believe me? Take this piece of code and find a clang-format config which doesn't align stuff:
auto getWhateverStmt = db_.stmt(
"SELECT * FROM mytable "
"WHERE k = 2 "
"ORDER BY createdAt").bind();
Feel free to play with it in I literally can not find a way to make it not produce something absolutely ridiculous where the SQL is pushed all the way to the right.
#ClangFormat #llvm #cpp #c #programming
Looking for a good #C language #formatter that will fit a specific existing codebase style.
I have a #ClangFormat config that's *close* but I can't find a way to:
• have a different indent width for function definition continuation versus in-function continuation (16 spaces and 8 spaces, respectively)
• stop a static structure init from being collapsed to 1 line
• indent a nested struct init with block indent (8) and not continuation indent (16)