Det minner meg forresten om da jeg kjøpte en ryggsekk på #ClasOhlson og fjompen i kassa spurte om jeg ville ha pose. (Jeg kom dessverre ikke på noe vittig svar før det var for seint.)
If you have a #Rusta shop nearby, you might want to see if they also have the Playbox of Sweden "maleveske" on offer for 69.90 NOK. Clas Ohlson has the same set in their permanent assortment, rebranded, but at 129.90 NOK usually, so almost double the cost.
While aimed at kids, I've personally found the oil pastels to be quite satisfying, and even the water colour paints where vibrant and a joy to play with. Of course I don't expect lightfastness and they don't list the pigments used, but so far my rainbow whirlpool painting is still brightening up one of our walls. :)
Unfortunately I can't check how my oil pastels drawing of aurora borealis over Tromsø is doing, as I accidentally left it at the in-laws and haven't seen it since, and my peacock feather in oil pastels is too recent anyway.
#BeardGrabber really enjoys using his box from time to time, so I picked up two more yesterday; one for me, and one to either restock his, or to use as a gift.
#ArtSupplies #FiXatoCreative #PlayboxOfSweden #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoDraws #KidsArtSupplies #kids #dailyPhoto #budget #budgetArtSupplies #artOnABudget #Rusta #Norway #Norge #kunst #maleveske #parenting #dadsOfMastodon #parentsOfMastodon #ClasOhlson
#Rusta #beardgrabber #artsupplies #FiXatoCreative #PlayboxOfSweden #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoDraws #KidsArtSupplies #kids #dailyphoto #budget #budgetArtSupplies #artOnABudget #norway #norge #kunst #maleveske #parenting #dadsofmastodon #parentsofmastodon #ClasOhlson
While I at first wanted to try my hand at doing my impression of Don Rosa's cover for "Music Inspired By The Life And Times Of Scrooge McDuck", imposter syndrome set in, so instead I decided to try my hand at redoing one of the first #paintings that got me back into painting, almost a year ago; my Rainbow maelstrøm painting on July 2nd of 2021.
There are certainly things I will do differently the next time I iterate on it, such as trying to better plan where the spirals meet to prevent muddying colours, but I don't want to feed my #imposterSyndrome.
So, instead I'll just say that I'm satisfied with how it turned out, and if it dries up as intended, I'll consider it an improvement over my original. :)
Materials used:
#FiXatoPaints #FiXatoCreative #RainbowMaelstrøm #RainbowWhirlpool #rainbow #colourful #colorfulArt #waterColours #waterColourPainting #waterColor #mastoArt #waterColorArt #aquarel #akvarell #ClasOhlson
#paintings #impostersyndrome #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoCreative #RainbowMaelstrøm #RainbowWhirlpool #rainbow #colourful #colorfulart #watercolours #watercolourpainting #watercolor #mastoart #watercolorart #aquarel #akvarell #ClasOhlson
It says it's #borosilicate glass, so it should not be very prone to cracking due to thermal expansion, but it also says it shouldn't be put on top of a heat source, which is a bit of a shame as I was hoping to be able to keep the tea warm on a tea light.
The knob on the filter is just that btw; a knob for the lid, not a plunger as you would find on a French press. Once your tea is the right strength, you kinda need to use it up right away, pour it over to another container, or take out the (now very hot) filter and empty it (before putting it back, or else you'll have another temperature vent).
All in all I would say it's not as ideal as a French press for my daily #teaBrewing, but I'll reserve final judgement till I've used it for longer than a single brew. ;)
It does look nicer :) and I have the feeling it'll be easier to clean this filter.
(The inside of the pot is another thing, as my hand doesn't fit very well inside...)
#442728 #ClasOhlson #tea #teapot #FirstUse #Review #FirstUseReview
#borosilicate #teaBrewing #ClasOhlson #tea #teapot #FirstUse #review #FirstUseReview
I could not find an affordable #FrenchPress to replace the one whose base cracked a few weeks ago. Well, at least not one that doesn't have plastic rather than stainless steel parts on the inside. So, I got this glass #teapot with built-in metal #tea filter instead, for 150 NOK (about 15 EUR / 18 USD currently) at #ClasOhlson.
A first-use review of this #teaBrewing kit in the unlisted reply. :)
#frenchpress #teapot #tea #ClasOhlson #teaBrewing