Today in Labor History August 21, 1752: French radical priest Jacques Roux (1752-1794) was born in Charente, France. He participated in the French Revolution and fought for a classless society and the abolition of private property. He also helped radicalize the Parisian working class. Roux was a leader of the far-left faction, Enrages, and was elected to the Paris Commune in 1791. He demanded that food be available for everyone and argued that the wealthy should executed if they horded it.
Roux is featured in a mission in the French Revolution-set game Assassin's Creed Unity. He is also portrayed in Peter Weiss's Marat/Sade. Here, Roux is dressed in a straight jacket in an asylum and the asylum directors cut off his dialogue to symbolize the state’s desire to restrain political radicals.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Revolution #france #JacquesRoux #Class #commune #theater #playwright #fiction #sade #writer #author @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Revolution #france #jacquesroux #Class #commune #theater #playwright #fiction #sade #writer #author
Teachers' conceptions of the ideal student depend on where they teach. Are class inequalities being reproduced through teaching?
#sociology #newResearch #QualitativeResearch #teaching #class #habitus #idealStudent #socialClass
#socialclass #idealstudent #habitus #Class #teaching #qualitativeresearch #newresearch #sociology
Brings to mind the powerful critique Isabel Waidner makes in the final paragraph of her essay-play, 'The Prince of Homburg':
'UK publishing professionals are always wondering why the working classes aren't engaging with canonical literature. Books come cheap off the Amazon, so--? What's your excuse? You too dumb to read this? Ill-educated, and lazy? You prefer sci-fi and Netflix, you unintelligent shits? But the working-classes are disengaging, not because they lack educational capital or intelligence, but because literature is stupid. It gets almost everything wrong.'
#IsabelWaidner #novel #fiction #reading #public #class #uk #publishing #amazon #netflix #canon #literature
#isabelwaidner #novel #fiction #Reading #Public #Class #UK #publishing #Amazon #netflix #canon #literature
Kevin Duffy, who runs the indie publisher Bluemoose books, was quoted this week on the 'class ceiling' in literary fiction publishing:
'It’s been a problem in publishing for 40 years and it’s getting worse. The people making those publishing decisions, because of their educational background and their life background, are not reading books about people in the rest of the country. You know, 93% of the people in this country don’t go to private school. There’s a reading public out there that wants books about themselves and the areas they live in.'
#novel #england #fiction #reading #public #class #uk #publishing
#novel #england #fiction #Reading #Public #Class #UK #publishing
Comment for liberals of
It was Bill Clinton's 'triangulation' that moved the #democratic party towards the economic center-right.
I watched in slow motion. Moving the democratic party to the right forced the #republican party to the far-right.
This is all about #class #warfare, but credulous #liberals still think it's about value-systems. Nobody reads economic stats so they miss the absolute root of all our problems.
Both parties work happily together to prevent the ascendance of any other party, in particular a real economically left-wing party, hence we have no real democracy.
Also watched liberal media make #Trump a household word beginning in the 70's. Trump is a symptom of the corruption in the total system, not just the right.
For the #republican party to go full fascist, it needed the democratic party to move right economically. Cause and bloody effect.
Our political system is a ruling-class oligarchy. Rich liberals need rich conservatives like flowers need the rain, to survive. They work happily together.... la la la... to maintain severe wealth-inequality.
The hyperreal narrative that keeps two ruling-class parties in place is invisible to adherents of both ideologies.
This is a perfect scam. Because #conservatives are now outright domestic #terrorists, sane people are forced to vote for the center-right-wing party. Both parties work so the top economic 10% continuously holds about 70% of total wealth, while the bottom 50% (working-people) hold only 2% of total wealth. Severe #wealth-#inequality is the absolute root of all societal problems, but all that crucial truth is carefully omitted from #mainstream ideologies and #corporate #media narratives.
We can't actually work towards democracy in this system. This corrupt binary system will go on for another hundred years because ideologies are learned during adolescence. 70% of the population will always follow the ideologies to which they were imprinted, roughly in the manner of lemmings. (See #Kohlberg, #childdevelopment)
The leading cause of death for US children is now gun violence. I'm so glad I didn't bring children in this wacky society. New generations suffer the worst consequences of all the calamity caused by previous generations.
Ideologies are for adolescents, whereas ethically mature adults are strong independent-thinkers. Dear generation Alpha, please notice our society is in turmoil, and that means you can't trust the logic of at least the last few generations. Culture is not your friend. Our present cultures ideologies have failed, and there's no way people indoctrinated into those ideologies can possibly understand that.
Only expect 10% of the population to be ethically mature critical-thinkers. That's not enough to get anywhere near democracy for the next hundred years, so please set your expectations appropriately. (Please read Kohlberg, child-development)
In this mess, the more any ideology claims authority, the more full of poop they are.
It did take liberalism and conservativism working together to put us through the Trump years which aren't over, and they will happily work together to make more like him forever.
#democratic #republican #Class #warfare #liberals #trump #conservatives #terrorists #wealth #inequality #Mainstream #corporate #media #kohlberg #childdevelopment
A #worker/ #slave/ #employee who #bootlicks to #capitalism and is an obvious #class #traitor/ #scab never ended up with a huge following no matter how much they post their #life on #meta/ #facebook/ #socialmedia, fucking #idiot!
#worker #slave #employee #bootlicks #capitalism #Class #traitor #scab #life #meta #facebook #socialmedia #idiot
Vasant Kunj residents don’t want govt edu facility, say it’ll bring ‘outsiders’
Residents of Vasant Kunj Sector A, a neighbourhood that houses around 1,500 families, claimed that the construction of the government facility, which will largely cater to students from underprivileged families, presents “a security threat”, will lead to the “entry of outsiders”, and “add to congestion in the area”.
#delhi #VasantKunj #education #class #privilege #inequality #children #india
#delhi #vasantkunj #education #Class #privilege #inequality #children #india
This is a damn good article that EVERYONE should read.
Here's an excerpt of the start of the article (the article digs into the details of how we got to where we are today and the harm class collusion is doing to keep a broken, oppressive system functional at the cost of human lives):
"We have been betrayed. For three years, we have been abandoned, misled, shepherded to our dooms. Millions have died. Hundreds of millions have been disabled. All the while, respectable faces with plastered-on grins breathlessly offer hopeful platitudes, assuring us we’ll all be ok. Just trust the system.
You could be forgiven for not realizing we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, considering the total absence of media coverage. If it was important, you’d surely be hearing about it, right? The last variant you heard about was likely omicron. The last you heard about vaccines was likely “we strongly encourage everyone to get boosted.” The last you heard about masks was that they work, but they’re not required. And why would you bother wearing masks anyway if, as the United States president himself proclaimed, “The pandemic is over”?
Here’s the truth: the pandemic is not over. It’s much worse than you have been led to believe. And unless you’ve spent the past several years reading scientific studies on the subject, it can be hard to convey just how wrong the public perception of COVID really is. Everything from how it’s spread, to how it’s prevented, to what it does once it’s in your body, is being tragically misunderstood.
None of this is an accident. It’s not your “fault” if you aren’t a virologist, immunologist, epidemiologist, or evolutionary biologist. It’s the job of experts and trusted voices to convey the truth and give you guidance. Not only have they failed at this, they have engaged in an active disinformation campaign dedicated to making the pandemic “disappear”. This has not been the result of a classic caricature of conspiracy — some tiny council of elites, gathered in the shadows to craft policy out of whole cloth. What we’re actually witnessing is the quiet collusion of class interest. This form of conspiracy is a feature of cultural hegemony, and it has aligned itself in direct opposition to public health and scientific reality. A “conspiracy” of this sort takes place in full view of the public. Every actor within it has openly telegraphed motivations that we are all taught to see as acceptable: keeping the current economic system intact at all costs."
And take action with folks like me.
1. #MaskUp with N95/KN94 or better.
2. Get or make air purifiers (like #CRBoxes) and use indoors at all events and even at home.
3. Get vaccinated but do not assume the vaccine will give you immunity or prevent transmission (it won't. It's a short-term protection to avoid more serious symptoms and dead, it's why it needs to be updated every few months).
4. Engage in #CommunityCare and protection. We keep each other safe.
5. Be #accessible at all times. Accessibility is EMPOWERMENT. It empowers us to participate with our full selves. So learn about and make accessibility the core of all planning and organizing. The above four actions I already mentioned are part of accessibility too.
#FightingEugenics #LeaveNoOneBehind #FightingFascism
#MaskUp #CRboxes #communitycare #accessible #CovidIsNotOver #Class #fightingeugenics #leavenoonebehind #fightingfascism
Why India’s privileged citizens are cheerleaders for surveillance tech
A study found the support for policing techniques that rely on security cameras and drones goes up with income levels.
Across religious groups, 73% Muslims and 76% Sikhs were against the use of security cameras to curb protests. Among Hindus, 79% supported it, with 54% approving the idea to a great extent.
#surveillance #class #security #privacy #CCTV #drones #PersonalData #policing #democracy #BJP #india
#surveillance #Class #security #privacy #cctv #drones #personaldata #policing #democracy #BJP #india
Beaverton: Smirking 9 year old just learned the French word for Seal #satire #canada #commentary #FeaturedPost #French #Phoque #school #Local #class #Seal
#satire #Canada #commentary #FeaturedPost #french #phoque #school #local #Class #seal
psst...the #working #class and the #employing class have #nothing in #common. pass it on!
#working #Class #employing #nothing #common
Just musing on the cavalcade of themes in this season of #PerryMason. In addition to the moody #noir pastiche aesthetic, we have a delightfully messy #lesbian romance, a pre-Zoot Suit uprising storyline about corrupt legal scapegoating of #MexicanAmericans, a complex plot about #BlackLA and its social dynamics of #class and #gender, and the #JohnGarfield-esque simmering righteous White guy and his rebellion against social pressure to be aspirational and upwardly mobile. Oh and at the heart of the crime might be #oil. Somebody should unpack all this and write about it....
#television #tv #hbomax #noir #MatthewRhys #AmWatching #TelevisionStudies #MediaStudies @television @mediastudies
#perrymason #noir #lesbian #mexicanamericans #blackla #Class #gender #johngarfield #oil #television #tv #hbomax #matthewrhys #AmWatching #TelevisionStudies #mediastudies
It seems to this writer that societies in much of the anglophone world could be described accurately as codependent, currently with codependent interpersonal relationships within their more traditionally middle classes as some standard.
Removing domineering members of these worlds' ruling classes may liberate these middle classes to pursue healthier ways of relating (again).
(For those unfamiliar with the term and might be curious to better understand it, this toot operates more on an understanding of codependency as a mutual relation more than a one-way direction that it seems Wikipedia assumes)
(The "committing" is a diss referring of a former prime minister of one such predominantly anglophone state)
#Class #society #relationships
#Hure ❤ Mannheim Vivien First Class Studio - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Huren #Hostessen #Mannheim #Vivien #First #Class #Studio - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#Hure #ladies_de #huren #hostessen #mannheim #Vivien #first #Class #studio #sex
#Escort ❤ Peine Lara High Class Escort - Ladies DE - #Ladies_DE - Neue #Escort #Service #Peine #Lara #High #Class #Escort - Sexanzeigen auf, Deutschlands grossem #Sex Anzeigen Forum
#escort #ladies_de #Service #peine #Lara #high #Class #sex
"Become friends with people who aren't your age."
I dislike tours and arranged travel. I prefer to meet the people, where they are, doing what they do, than that 'tourist view' pushed into brochures.
I've traveled to many countries, and believe this to be true.
#travel #age #language #Class #reality #alt4you #alttext
It dawns in #France with another day of #struggle of the #working #class, with hundreds of road blockades and #sabotage against the #pension #reform. #Workers pushing back the #police who wanted to take an oil tank.
#france #struggle #working #Class #sabotage #pension #reform #workers #police
Global News BC: Fortnite ‘as addictive as possible’ to kids, B.C. parent claims in proposed class-action #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #class-actionlawsuit #proposedclassaction #videogameaddiction #BritishColumbia #Fortnitelawsuit #classaction #onlinegame #VideoGames #Lifestyle #Fortnite #Justice #Legal
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Class #proposedclassaction #videogameaddiction #fortnitelawsuit #classaction #onlinegame #videogames #lifestyle #fortnite #justice #legal