I'm hearing so many attacks on #democracy and so many calls from people I would respect otherwise to have “less democracy”… All those (#ThaddeusRussell, #GarettJones, #MenciusMoldbug…) seem to be confusing “smaller State” with “less democracy”.
When we #ClassicLiberals criticise the tyranny of the majority, what we are saying is that no State or institutional power should intrude so deeply into personal matters — not that we would prefer those intrusions to be orchestrated by dictators, oligarchs or technocrats instead of democratic institutions (imperfect and fallible as they may be)! We want less #coercion overall (ie, less #State) — not to move the extant coercive power from democracy to #autarchy.
Please reflect about that distinction if you find yourself dissatisfied with the status quo and flirting with the ideas of #NRx, #DarkEnlightenment, autarchy, #monarchy, etc.
#thaddeusrussell #state #darkenlightenment #monarchy #democracy #GarettJones #menciusmoldbug #ClassicLiberals #coercion #autarchy #nrx