"È preferibile avere pochi lavori di ricerca di prima qualità rispetto a un gran numero di lavori mal concepiti o finiti a metà. Questi ultimi non fanno onore a chi li scrive e fanno perdere tempo a chi li legge."
#ClaudeShannon #thebandwagon #unoscienza #scienza
Claude Shannon's Ultimate MachineTrolley Problem
A trolly is hurtling down a track, toward a switch. You control the direction of the points. If you leave the settings as they are, five people will die. If you intercede, one person will die by your hand. After you make your decision, an automaton will set the switch to the opposite of your choice.
#trolleyproblem #ClaudeShannon #UltimateMachine
3Blue1Brown on Wordle, probability, information theory, and expected value.
Or: Shannon, von Neumann, and Pascal walk into a word game...
Whether or not you've been sucked into this word game fad, this is a really good explanation of the relationships between probability and expected information value (I = -log2(p)), as well as how to optimally find one element within a known search space.
It explains the logic behind selecting starting words for Wordle, as well as how and why optimisers choose their own guesses, and what an optimal solver's ultimate limits would be.
HN discuussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30232413
#Wordle #3Blue1Brown #Video #InformationTheory #Probability #ClaudeShannon #JohnVonNeumann #BlaisePascal #ExpectedValue
#Wordle #3blue1brown #video #informationtheory #probability #ClaudeShannon #JohnVonNeumann #blaisepascal #ExpectedValue