#CleanAir #schule #Prävention „Expertinnen und Experten gehen davon aus, dass direkt nach einer Infektion etwa zehn Prozent für einen längeren Zeitraum mit den Symptomen zu kämpfen haben. Die Beschwerden können dabei vielfältig sein. Dazu gehören Erschöpfung, Gedächtnisprobleme, Kurzatmigkeit und Muskelschmerzen.“…
Mid Suffolk, England's first Green controlled district council, wants to become a member of UK100 climate network to help in their drive towards net zero carbon emissions and clean air.
#GoodNews #DistrictCouncil #MidSuffolk #Green #UK100ClimateNetwork #UK100 #Climate #Zero #NetZero #CleanAir
#goodnews #districtcouncil #midsuffolk #green #uk100climatenetwork #uk100 #climate #zero #netzero #CleanAir
Wie geil ist das denn bitte! Ein Messgerät für saubere Luft, das einem Kanarienvogel nachempfunden ist, der von der Stange kippt. Tolles Design und ich mag die historische Anspielung (die armen Vögel...) wie auch die einfach zu verstehende Bildsprache.
Leider ist der Wert mit 1000 ppm recht hoch angesetzt. Aber echt stark!
#CleanAir #CovidIsNotOver
The #UK government set to axe #CleanAir laws & do away with legal requirements to map out how it intends to reduce #AirPollution & consult with the public. These protections have been put on a ‘kill list’ of #laws that are set to be thrown out at the end of this year through the UK government’s Retained EU Law Act (known as the #REUL Act), which was rushed through parliament before the summer. Email your #MP to remove clean air laws from the kill list. Via #ClientEarth
#uk #CleanAir #airpollution #laws #Reul #mp #clientearth
wir wissen seit mehr als 3 Jahren, wie wir unnötige Infektionen vermeiden + Vulnerable schützen können, ob nun
z.B. in der Schule,
auf der Arbeit,
beim Arzt oder
im Krankenhaus.
Leider hat Gesundheitsschutz in unserer egoistischen Gesellschaft keine Lobby.
#COVID19 #maskup #CleanAir #CovidIsNotOver
England & Wales: Anstieg #Covid19-Todesfälle im Vergleich zur Vorwoche um 57,4 %.
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #CleanAir
#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #maskup #CleanAir
#CovidIsNotOver 🗣️ „And we're BAAAAACCCCKKKK. No, not Michael Myers but masking will be. COVID is on the rise. SO MANY friends now are really sick. BE MINDFUL. WEAR A MASK if required or even if you feel unwell and are out in public spaces." #Covid19
🙏 Jamie Lee Curtis 👏💪🫶
#CleanAir #MaskUp #LongCovid #PostVovid #Eris #Multisystemerkrankung
#CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #CleanAir #maskup #LongCovid #postvovid #eris #multisystemerkrankung
Nicht Michael Myers is #BAAAAACCCCKKKK …
„TRAGEN SIE EINE MASKE, wenn dies erforderlich ist oder Sie sich unwohl fühlen und sich im öffentlichen Raum aufhalten.“
Wir brauchen mehr Vorbilder wie Jamie Lee Curtis! 👏💪 🙏 ♥️🫶
#CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #CleanAir #Covid19 #LongCovid #Multisystemerkrankung
#baaaaacccckkkk #CovidIsNotOver #maskup #CleanAir #COVID19 #LongCovid #multisystemerkrankung
#Krankenstand Arbeitgeber, die Personalausfall vermeiden möchten, sollten sich zeitnah mit #CleanAir #MaskUp beschäftigen, die #Corona-Infektionen nehmen täglich zu und der Herbst/Winter kommt erst noch.
#CovidIsNotOver #Covid19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #Multisystemerkrankung
#Krankenstand #CleanAir #maskup #corona #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #LongCovid #PostCovid #multisystemerkrankung
Better indoor air quality would boost productivity, says Labor MPs.
#CleanAir #BetterIndoorAirQuality #DrMichelleAnandaRajah #GedKearney @auscovid19
#CleanAir #betterindoorairquality #drmichelleanandarajah #gedkearney
" Notably, the state did not meaningfully attempt to dispute climate science.
However, "undisputed testimony established" that the state "could evaluate 'greenhouse gas emissions and corresponding impacts to the climate in the state' when evaluating fossil fuel activities," judge Kathy Seeley wrote in the Montana 1st Judicial District Court order."
#FossilFuel #Pollution #CleanAir #Montana #Republicans
#fossilfuel #pollution #CleanAir #montana #republicans
Il manque 138 signatures pour atteindre 2500 signatures. Aidez-nous à envoyer un message à @BDrainvilleQc et @PascaleDery.
Partagez avec votre famille et amis. Vu les feux de forêt, c'est d'autant plus nécessaire en 2023.
Air filter significantly reduces presence of airborne SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 wards.
When a team of doctors, scientists and engineers at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the University of Cambridge placed an air filtration machine in COVID-19 wards, they found that it removed almost all traces of airborne SARS-CoV-2.
#COVID19 #CleanAir #COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisNotOver @auscovid19
#COVID19 #CleanAir #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver
Finally got around adding documentation to the CR Box co2 monitor and fan controller
#CorsiRosenthalBox #CorsiRosenthalBoxNZ #CovidIsAirborne #CleanAir
#corsirosenthalbox #corsirosenthalboxnz #covidisairborne #CleanAir
RT Clean Air in London
#CleanAirEU | Please @javilopezEU @nicustefanuta @giannagancia @KarinKarlsbro @PetrosKokkalis @LinsNorbert @AnnaZalewskaMEP (alpha order) ADOPT ALL compromise amendments and follow @AirClimSweden @ClientEarth @Green_Europe @transenv voting recommendations for #CleanAir on…
It's wild how most of the people who are sure that #covid is a Chinese bioweapon also think that wearing masks is unnecessary, vaccines don't work and wanting clean air is overreacting.
Like, surely you'd want to protect yourself from a bioweapon?
(For the record, I don't know if it is or isn't, honestly don't think it matters that much, and very much think #CovidIsNotOver and we all should be cautious and fight for #CleanAir everywhere because it's just better for everyone)
#covid #CovidIsNotOver #CleanAir
Miss our recent #EEAAskanExpert 🎙️on #airpollution and the impact on children? You can catch up here:
#CleanAir #zeropollution #airquality
#EEAaskanexpert #AirPollution #CleanAir #ZeroPollution #AirQuality