Caro S. · @Heidentweet
178 followers · 438 posts · Server

"I ask myself, who do these narratives of Covid ā€œendingā€ serve?

I ask myself, who is being most harmed by the pandemic?

I ask myself, if not now, when?

I ask myself, if not me, who?

[...] I want to invite anyone who didnā€™t know any of the above to join the movement to save lives, stop the spread, clean the air, and treat Long COVID. I want to invite all of you to mask up, punch back, and join with us to imagine all the beautiful, unrealistic futures we might have if we only fight for them."

#COVID_19 #ableism #healthcare #CleanAirIsAHumanRight #WearAMask #Revolution

Last updated 2 years ago

Annie · @windowgarden
125 followers · 51 posts · Server

Hi! Thanks to everyone thatā€™s made this place feel like a warm welcome to those of us trying to rebuild on this platform.

Iā€™m in and , and in my spare time experiment with & šŸ„¬šŸ…šŸ«‘. I love ice cream šŸ¦

Looking to find my way to those taking about

Would be great to connect with you!

#introductions #sustainability #NEISvoid #CleanAirIsAHumanRight #COVIDisAirborne #DisabilityJustice #disabilityrights #publichealth #epidemiology #urbanagriculture #hydroponics #uxdesign #instructionaldesign

Last updated 2 years ago