Happy #EarthDay 2023!
Let's respect nature and our planet Earth, it is the only one we have 🌍💚
And many thanks kids and adults for our small #CleanUp today at the #Ritten in #SouthTyrol.
#earthday #CleanUp #Ritten #SouthTyrol #respectnature #cleanupevent #plasticpollution
Pushing back targets to #cleanUp England’s rivers, lakes and coastal waters from 2027 to 2063(!) is like abolishing good intentions without taking any responsibility. #DirtyBritain https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/22/target-date-for-cleaning-up-waterways-in-england-is-moved-back-by-36-years
A recent photojournalism piece showcased a #solidwaste #cleanup initiative of Tonlé Sap Lake by young #khmers
belonging to communities in Pursat Province, #Cambodia. Publicising a new generational awareness of the fight against #wastepollution. Conversely, annual volunteer waste collection efforts, sadly have had little net benefit, e.g., the Khmer nation's 2020 #wastemanagement #EPI issue category score was 0.0, w/a global ranking = 133/180. #p2
#solidwaste #CleanUp #khmers #cambodia #wastepollution #wastemanagement #EPI #p2
Oi oi, I haven't done anything yet and am still sundaying around in bed, now with müsli and tea :ablobcatcoffee:. Well, the washing machine runs already, that's a comforting sound because something is happening on the housework front :blobcatgiggle:.
In a minute I'm meeting w one of my favorite neighbors, who lends me bike tools. But that's going to be quick. And then I have to start... *sigh #cleanup #home
In 2018 a #toxic #cleanup of the #Cituram River (world's most polluted) was ordered by the #Indonesian govt. due to compelling evidence surfacing of the #healthimpacts to #communities residing downstream from indust. textile facilities sub-contracted by global clothing firms. The level of eco-degradation, and human #healthrisk arising from this situation raise serious questions about the nation's existing legal/regulatory framework, and unfettered economic motivations.
#healthrisk #communities #healthimpacts #indonesian #Cituram #CleanUp #toxic