I’m recruiting MSc/PhD students to join my lab at #ClemsonUniversity in Fall ‘23! If you’re interested in #paleotempestology (#prehistoric #hurricanes), the hydro side of #paleoclimate, and/or records of #coastal or #hydrological #hazards, get in touch! We use multiple proxies, primarily #sediment & #treerings, to reconstruct #extreme events in the past. There are plenty of opportunities for #fieldwork & #labwork. If you’re going to #AGU22 & want to chat about this, let me know & we’ll meet up!
#AGU22 #labwork #fieldwork #extreme #treerings #sediment #hazards #hydrological #coastal #paleoclimate #hurricanes #prehistoric #paleotempestology #ClemsonUniversity
#Introduction : I'm Paul, a computational semanticist who is currently working in the #ClinicalNLP world. I teach at the #MedicalUniversityOfSouthCarolina (#MUSC) in a joint PhD program with #ClemsonUniversity . I run the #NLPCore , a service center for helping other researchers at MUSC gain access to the power of #NLP , #AI , #ML , #DeepLearninig , and #ShallowLearning for their own agenda. My tech tree: #Linux, #RStats, #Python, #Java, #emacs, #OrgMode, #LaTeX, #git.
#git #latex #orgmode #emacs #java #python #rstats #linux #ShallowLearning #DeepLearninig #ml #ai #nlp #NLPCore #ClemsonUniversity #musc #MedicalUniversityOfSouthCarolina #ClinicalNLP #introduction