#CleyeraPodcast Episode 12 is now up! In which @aggressiveAzeri and I talk about harae, kegare, and what this all has to do with walking through a giant ring on shrine grounds sometime in June.
We're finally sitting for another episode of #CleyeraPodcast tonight! Got a question for us? Drop it in the replies.
As I put together the next episode of #FridayNightHistory and sit for recording #CleyeraPodcast today, and power into the next section of my third sapphic scifi novel, a word about my goals for achieving a modest measure of financial stability, and how you can help. Read on at https://www.patreon.com/posts/on-change-and-83498867 #podcasts #Histodons #SapphicBooks
#sapphicbooks #histodons #podcasts #CleyeraPodcast #FridayNightHistory
On podcasts, screenplays, travel, news items, and so much more-- a patrons' end-of-month update is now up at https://www.patreon.com/posts/updates-31-may-83877430 #podcasts #amwriting #SapphicBooks #NorthStarForever #CleyeraPodcast
#CleyeraPodcast #NorthStarForever #sapphicbooks #amwriting #podcasts
From Zoe and I, an announcement on #CleyeraPodcast in light of news we received today.
A little more raw, unfiltered, and editorial than our usual, but that's where we are right now. Please give a listen:
Ahead of our next #CleyeraPodcast episode, here is a public post and statement on some recent developments in Shinto in North America. https://www.patreon.com/posts/statement-sacred-82344367
Ahead of our next #CleyeraPodcast episode, here is a public statement on some recent developments in Shinto in North America. https://www.patreon.com/posts/statement-sacred-82344367
#CleyeraPodcast Episode 11 is up! In which we try to define kami, take questions from the audience, and tease a side project. Listen at https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/cleyerapodcast/episodes/Cleyera-11--What-is-a-Kami--We-Just-Do-Know-e236h14 or wherever you get your #Podcasts
Hey #CleyeraPodcast fans: I'm sorry for the delay in the latest episode. The last month and a half has been a very difficult time on my end, and I wasn't able to get properly moving on edits until recently. They're in process presently, though, so you can expect the episode soon.
Thanks, and as ever, we are #Screaming.
End of the month roundup of updates for patrons! Newly released articles, fiction and art and book chapters currently in motion, and yes, on top of an upcoming episode of Cleyera, Friday Night History is in fact returning. https://www.patreon.com/posts/updates-28-march-80680124 #podcasts #SapphicBooks #CleyeraPodcast
#CleyeraPodcast #sapphicbooks #podcasts
Folks, we've recorded the latest episode of the #CleyeraPodcast, and it sure took us some places! We're looking forward to getting Episode 11 to you soon. #Screaming
Hey, have you read my novels or my other work? Want to see more of them? You can help make that happen! Help me keep the lights on, and keep writing the queer scifi and history essays and book reviews, keep drawing the art, keep recording the podcasts and other audio. Consider supporting me on a monthly basis, for as low as $1 a month, at https://www.patreon.com/riversidewings Thank you for being the best people a girl could hope to work for! #SapphicBooks #histodon #CleyeraPodcast
#CleyeraPodcast #histodon #sapphicbooks
Setsubun, orb-pondering, and the path ahead for the Confluence series-- here's the patrons' update for 28 February! https://www.patreon.com/posts/updates-28-whats-79339859 #lesfic #podcasts #SapphicBooks #CleyeraPodcast
#CleyeraPodcast #sapphicbooks #podcasts #lesfic