Franziskus I: #Betenwirgemeinsam für eine größere Verbreitung einer Kultur der Gewaltlosigkeit durch eine immer geringere Verwendung von Waffen, sowohl seitens der Staaten als auch seitens der Bürger. #Gebetsanliegen #ClickToPray
#Betenwirgemeinsam #Gebetsanliegen #ClickToPray
I search for an inner peace to look with serenity at the things that have happened today. What positive feelings did I experience today? I give thanks to God for them. What moments did I feel anxious or perturbed in? I confide in the Lord with what preoccupied me. I plan to express my gratefulness to someone tomorrow. Hail Mary.
#catholicmastodon #eveningprayer #ClickToPray
I put myself in the presence of Jesus and thank Him for the day I have lived. I praise Him in particular for the most beautiful thing that has happened today. I reflect: how many people have worked, given their time, intelligence, and strength for the good that I have enjoyed during the day? Am I thankful for it?
#catholicmastodon #eveningprayer #ClickToPray
Franziskus I: #Betenwirgemeinsam für alle, die an Verletzungen leiden, die ihnen von Mitgliedern der Kirche zugefügt wurden; mögen sie auch innerhalb der Kirche eine konkrete Antwort auf ihren Schmerz und ihre Leiden finden. #Gebetsmeinung #ClickToPray
#Betenwirgemeinsam #Gebetsmeinung #ClickToPray
Close your day and ask the Lord for light to reflect on how you have lived today. Be grateful for any special grace that has been granted to you. How have your gestures of love and solidarity been with the people you have met?
#catholicmastodon #eveningprayer #ClickToPray
The day comes to a close and I look back over what I have experienced through my heart's lens. I remember gratefully the faces of those who were present today, sharing their day with me. Who were those people? I thank you Lord for their lives that reflect something of yours. I ask your forgiveness for the occasions when I have been indifferent to their needs.
#catholicmastodon #eveningprayer #ClickToPray
My day is coming to an end and I thank you, Lord, for all that took place. Before resting, help me to look back over it again with you. What have I received from you? What have I given to others? Thank you for the light of the grace of your presence and for your Word that you have given me to live and share with others. I ask your forgiveness for my failures. Tomorrow is another day; help me to follow you more. Hail Mary.
#catholicmastodon #eveningprayer #ClickToPray
Thank you Jesus for this special day with you. If I can forgive, at least my heart is lighter. I have taken a small step, because I feel ready to open the door of my heart. I trust you and I know that with you I can achieve it...
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Franziskus I: #Betenwirgemeinsam, dass die Erzieher glaubwürdige Zeugen sind, indem sie Geschwisterlichkeit statt Konkurrenzdenken lehren und vor allem den schwächsten Jugendlichen beistehen. #Gebetsmeinung #ClickToPray
#ClickToPray #Gebetsmeinung #Betenwirgemeinsam
Give thanks for the day that is ending, and bring to mind all that you experienced since dawn until now. Where was your heart today? Were you available to God's action in you?
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Stop the march of the day and rest. What do you have to thank God for? What moments from today sit at the forefront of your mind? What would you have liked to be different?
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Give thanks for the day that is coming to an end. Go back over the graces you have received. Who was the face of God for you today? In what moments did God come to you through the words and actions of your brothers and sisters?
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Quiet your heart and give thanks for all that you have lived since the sun rose this morning. What situations were a struggle for you today? Become aware of the nature of the spirit with which you dealt with them...
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Review your week and discover how God has searched for you. Appreciate what you have received whether it was good humor, health, or your ability to work, and review the actions you took. Did you act with inner peace?
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
God is with you now as you rest. Be thankful for those who in their daily gestures showed the mercy of Christ to you today. Pope Francis prays this month for volunteer not-for-profit organizations and today is the monthly day of prayer for mental health. Pope Francis said volunteer workers “give shape and visibility to mercy.”
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
The Lord invites you to discover Him in your life. Take a few moments to review your week and recover its most significant experiences. What memories come to you? What feelings do they awake? Write down the most significant memories. What lessons do they leave you? Talk to your Father about what you learned and ask for help to start a new week. Hail Mary.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Take a few minutes to collect what you experienced today. Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. What moments filled your heart with joy and fullness? Who have you helped today? Sit for a few minutes with Jesus. Tell the Lord about your worries and be ready to give them to Him. Hail Mary.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Step away from your activities to close out the day, and find an inner calm. How are you feeling right now? What can you be thankful for? Recall your attitudes throughout the day and discover the moments in which you acted with gratitude, benevolence, and positivity. How were your conversations with others? Give thanks for the times you were able to be a peacemaker. Hail Mary.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray
Distance yourself from the activities of the day. Think back over all that you lived and find the ways in which God acted through you. Who or what do you want to thank? What good were you able to do today? What feelings were left in your heart from these moments? Did you act with generosity and dedication to others in your tasks, meetings, or breaks? Write down a goal for tomorrow that you would like to do differently. Hail Mary.
#catholicmastodon #prayer #ClickToPray