@bmbf_bund @KIT_Karlsruhe @DeutscherWetterdienst Meldung zum Treffen in Offenbach: "#Hitze, #Dürre, #Starkregen, #Stürme: Forschende der BMBF-Fördermaßnahme #ClimXtreme zeigen, wie der #Klimawandel #Extremwetterereignisse beeinflusst hat & verändern wird": https://www.fona.de/de/climxtreme-erforscht-veraenderungen-von-extremwetter-durch-den-klimawandel
#extremwetterereignisse #klimawandel #ClimXtreme #sturme #Starkregen #durre #Hitze
#ClimXtreme is financially supported by the German Ministry for Research and Education (@bmbf_bund) and is coordinated by the meteorological institutes of the universities of Bonn/Berlin (FU)/Karlsruhe (@KIT_Karlsruhe) and @DeutscherWetterdienst.
#ClimXtreme is a German research consortium dealing with issues related to "#ClimateChange and #ExtremeEvents", especially wind/storms, heavy rain, droughts/heatwaves.
A collection of papers can be found in the special issue: "Past and future European atmospheric extreme events under climate change", https://nhess.copernicus.org/articles/special_issue1187.html
More details on the consortium of 35 institutes/39 projects: https://www.climxtreme.net
This week, we had the final assembly of the first phase at @DeutscherWetterdienst:
#extremeevents #climatechange #ClimXtreme