Huge advances in #California's move to #ElectrifyEverything. Commercial stoves and ovens at major corporations will now have to switch to more efficient, non-polluting electric machinery -- a win for air quality and health!
#california #electrifyeverything #zeroemissioncooking #ClimateAction
Has anyone discussed the massive wasted emissions harming out planet from continued #airshows by the Blue Angels and others?
This may be an unpopular opinion, but these need to end. For the sake of our children and grand-children.
#airshows #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction
The data is now official: 3 years’ worth of rain fell within two days. Scientists on Greek TV discussing the possibility of the formation of new, permanent lakes in the area. It is a new planet. #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #climatechange #climatecatastrophe ( at least they r pretty lakes 🇬🇷)
#climatecatastrophe #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction
#heathens4future #heathenry #paganism #environmentalism #ClimateAction #FridaysForFuture
I hope the blockage of the #A12 in The Hague today at 12:00 will be as big as it was yesterday.
No More Fossil Fuel Subsidies!!!
#XR #StopFossilFuels #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #StopFossieleSubsidies #A12Blokkade #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateJustice
#A12 #xr #stopfossilfuels #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #StopFossieleSubsidies #a12blokkade #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateJustice
There is still a lot that #aviation can do about making flight operations more efficient and less impactful on the environment. Further optimizing flight paths is one of these efficiencies where improvements are possible: ✈️ #airtravel #aviation #climateaction #futureready
#futureready #ClimateAction #airTravel #Aviation
Full page ad in the Financial Times (ad space donated by the FT) - Queue for Climate and Nature London, Friday, 12pm
'All UK professionals (business people, business leaders, employees and members of professional bodies and civil society) are invited to join the Queue to request that UK Political Party leaders accelerate action on climate and nature so that our businesses are secure, and our families, communities and nature can thrive.' #ClimateAction #Q4ClimateNature
#ClimateAction #q4climatenature
Alongside @AllianzGI_view, we invest $77.5m for Brazilian #ClimateAction projects with the Vinci Climate Change Fund.
The Fund will invest in infrastructure projects in the sectors of #RenewableEnergy and water and sewerage. #FinanceInCommon2023
#ClimateAction #renewableenergy #FinanceInCommon2023
Strong support for government action on #ClimateAction in Latin America and the Caribbean.
According to the latest EIB #ClimateSurvey, 88% of respondents in the region want stricter government measures to tackle #ClimateChange. #FinanceInCommon2023
#ClimateAction #ClimateSurvey #ClimateChange #FinanceInCommon2023
Am 15.September ist #Klimastreik!
Überall auf der Welt gibt es vermehrt Klimakrise-bedingte Katastrophen und es wird immer noch nichts getan.
Deshalb ist nächste Woche Freitag wieder ein globaler Klimastreik! Bist du dabei?
Auf der Website von findest du Streikorte in ganz Deutschland
Wir sehen uns am Freitag, denn wir haben #LustAufZukunft!
#Klimastreik #EndFossilFuels #ClimateAction #Climatejustice #1Komma5Grad #Klimakrise
#KlimaStreik #lustaufzukunft #endfossilfuels #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #1komma5Grad #KlimaKrise
“These impact measurements do not account for the fixed-price rebate the Trudeau government makes to households every quarter, the #ClimateAction incentive payment meant to offset the carbon tax's added costs on vehicle fuel and home heating.”
@Andy_Scollick Although I still believe that individual actions are not the main meaningful driver of #ClimateAction some do make a significant difference.
One of them is to change our #diet. Mainly, switching from #meat to vegetable alternatives.
Producing meat is very inefficient: we need lots of fertilizer and huge amounts of water just to produce basic feed. All of this entails large #CO₂ emissions, not to speak of direct emissions.
I say this as a farmer: please quit eating meat.
#co #meat #diet #ClimateAction
"I urge the world to carefully study the #GlobalStocktake synthesis report.
It is a report card of our collective #climateaction. And not a good one.
#COP28 is our chance to make a dramatic course correction. Let's seize that chance." - Simon Stiell UNFCCC
#globalstocktake #ClimateAction #COP28
Millions went #BacktoSchool this week. At Shawlands Primary, that means the return of their #bikebus.
Twice a week, kids & parents gather to wheel the busy city roads to school. By doing it together, it becomes safer, easier & more joyful for kids to cycle to school.
And here they are on the BBC last year, telling the story of their bike bus and the difference it’s making to kids, parents and the streets near them.:
Community solutions to the problems of our time - we love it! What do you think? Could it work where you are?
Thanks to Shawlands Bike Bus for letting us sharethe video. Find them on twitter @bikebusshaw and insta at @shawlandsbikebus
#community #communityaction #glasgow #bike #cycle #activetravel #school #climateaction #climatechange #transport
#BackToSchool #BikeBus #community #CommunityAction #glasgow #bike #cycle #activetravel #school #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #transport
Thanks a million to @georgemonbiot for ferreting this out - opposite of agents provocateurs have disabled so much #ClimateAction -
@jgkoomey @matthewtoad43
I haven't read your book on your opinions regarding how we can decarbonize, but it sure seems obvious to me that it is politics that's our best bet in the West, but perhaps there are other ways that might work that I'm unaware of I'll admit.
Maybe I'm being idealistic and naive hoping that we can manage to remain a democracy AND get #ClimateAction idk.
The vast bog that helps fight climate change
will this critically important peatland be listed as a #UNESCO #WorldHeritage site?
#carbon #FlowCountry #wildlife #habitat #wetlands #ClimateAction #Scotland
#unesco #WorldHeritage #carbon #flowcountry #wildlife #habitat #wetlands #ClimateAction #Scotland
@CrimethInc this RICO case against the Stop Cop City movement has global ramifications and will be attempted elsewhere around the world against social movements 🙁
cc: @timhollo @slackbastard @sexenheimer
#ClimateAction #Anarchism #mutualaid #environment #climatechange #auspol
#auspol #climatechange #environment #mutualaid #Anarchism #ClimateAction