@Laplantgenetics Yes! A few weeks ago i turned on #BBCRadio4 and, by chance, there was a programme about what to do in a #Heatwave and what the #UK overall needs to do for #ClimateAdaption. Good of course but hearing BBC voices talking about this made it all so much more real; brought home that this really is it now. I found this atrangely upsetting and surreal, even after years of campaigning and asking for more media coverage.
#bbcradio4 #heatwave #uk #ClimateAdaption
@redoak Remember several years ago that "ice bucket challenge" thing that went around? What I think would be useful is for social media to take on a climate change adaption challenge kinda thing. A positive trend of mutual support and encouragement. Folks cheering each other on and sharing the latest life hack for saving energy, reducing emissions, etc. People getting on board together and pushing forward towards fixing the problem. #ClimateChallenge #ClimateAdaption
#climatechallenge #ClimateAdaption #climateemergency
#ClimateDiary yesterday i switched on #Radio4 and this was on - a really informative and useful program on #ClimateCrisis #Heatwaves and impacts on our health; what the #UK is and isn’t doing about it, and what people can do at home.
But wow, hearing #BBC voices talking about #ClimateAdaption and #UK #HeatActionPlans really brought home that this is it now
#ClimateDiary #Radio4 #ClimateCrisis #heatwaves #uk #bbc #ClimateAdaption #heatactionplans
Reading this ⬆️ i was wondering how hot it was in #Mecca just now - I don’t really have a sense of “normal” temperatures during the #Hajj or indeed of what kind of #ClimateAdaption or #HeatActionPlans are in place for this already, but it’s made me think more about wider social, cultural impact of #ClimateChange - might events like Hajj or #Juneteenth in #Houston (where rapper #BigPokey may have died of #Heatstroke during performance) become untenable? #ClimateDiary
#mecca #ClimateAdaption #heatactionplans #ClimateChange #juneteenth #Houston #bigpokey #heatstroke #ClimateDiary #hajj
#ClimateDiary. In this really excellent #Zero podcast, Akshat Rathi talks with Global Chief Heat Officer Eleni Myrivili, about how cities can be made more resilient to heat, and why aircon is not a solution we can rely on.
All current 8 #ChiefHeatOfficer across the world are women, who lead #ClimateAdaption generally. “it’s women who pick up the pieces”
#ClimateDiary #zero #chiefheatofficer #ClimateAdaption
@raucisona @mongabay i finally managed to finish listening to this and really have to thank you. Fascinating to learn about the 3 pillars of #HeatActionPlan s - information, infrastructure (water bodies) and social networks - and, especially, that all current 7 #ChiefHeatOfficer s across the world are women, who lead #ClimateAdaption generally. “it’s women who pick up the pieces”
#heatactionplan #chiefheatofficer #ClimateAdaption #ClimateDiary
@theappletree yes, there are #Desalination plants - this from Wikipedia is quite interesting. Don’t know how scaleable this is - and of course, these plants take time to build, ie wouldn’t help in an acute emergency. Still, might become a #ClimateAdaption strategy .. not an expert myself at all
#desalination #ClimateAdaption
S.F. Bay no longer environmental disaster. Here’s what drove transformation https://www.sfchronicle.com/climate/article/san-francisco-bay-water-17923903.php “37 sewage plants that release treated wastewater into the bay. Though the water is treated for pathogens, it contains nitrogen that feeds organisms that can grow into huge harmful algae blooms” A warning to the bay and delta, that we must deal with nitrogen dumping into the bay. #SFBay #Nitrogen #WaterTreatment #ClimateAdaption #Environment
#environment #ClimateAdaption #watertreatment #nitrogen #sfbay
Here’s another good reason for strategic relocation from #flood prone areas: rising #groundwater. #ClimateAdaption https://grist.org/article/what-it-means-groundwater-is-rising/
#ClimateAdaption #groundwater #flood
Cold Water #Fish Can Adapt to Climate Change by Breeding With Warm Water Relatives
Really important thread on what #ClimateAdaption actually means on a local level and how past and present injustice can make that difficult by @BassisJeremy
Worth a read all the way through
#Welcome here in #Fediverse - nice to have You #Newhere 😃!
#ClimateAdaption in #CityPlanning #Städtebau #Architekt building #StädteFürMenschen
#stadtefurmenschen #architekt #stadtebau #cityplanning #ClimateAdaption #newhere #Fediverse #welcome
Pacific forum leaders set permanent maritime borders, as rising seas shrink islands
In a declaration released by Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) leaders, 18 member countries and territories affirmed that once Pacific islands have established and notified maritime zones to the secretary-general of the United Nations, they will be fixed irrespective of changes to the shape and size of islands.
#climatecrisis #ClimateAdaption
Step up #ClimateChange adaptation, says #UN report
We need a global commitment to put half of all global climate finance towards adaptation in the next year,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of #UNEP. “This will allow a huge step up in #adaptation – in everything from early warning systems to resilient water resources to nature-based solutions.”
#unep #climatecrisis #un #ClimateAdaption #climatechange #adaptation