Parents For Future Hamburg @P4F_Hamburg "supported" Shell in its greenwashing today!
Shell is again backing away from measures to curb CO2 emissions and is once again fully committed to profit maximisation and FOSSILE energies.
Full speed ahead into the #ClimateCatastrophe!
#EndFossilFuels! Go to hell SHELL!
#ClimateCatastrophe #endfossilfuels
PBS Weathered haben erneut ein sehr gutes Klima-Video gemacht. Themen dieses Mal: Die Verlangsamung und der mögliche Zusammenbruch des AMOC ("Golfstrom") und der Cold Blob im Atlantik.
U.a. mit @rahmstorf
PBS Weathered have uploaded a very well done climate video again. Topics this time include the slowing and possible collapse of the AMOC ("Gulfstream") and the Cold Blob in the Atlantic.
#Klima #Climate #AMOC #Golfstrom #Gulfstream #KlimaWandel #ClimateChange #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe
#Klima #climate #amoc #golfstrom #gulfstream #KlimaWandel #ClimateChange #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe
Well, for one thing, if each government stubbornly insists on avoiding the application of MMT we'll be in big trouble, I think. I'm neither expert in nor a regular evangelist for MMT, but I have been gradually persuaded that its advocates are speaking sense and that monetary availability is better controllable than we're letting it be. There are thongs that must be done and done now, not later, so even if we have to print money to do them, that's what we need to do.
The REAL problem seems to me to be the fatalistic theory that markets are smarter than people and must be left to themselves, that the mythical Unseen Hand never fails. Sometimes timelines matter, and during Covid capitalism did (pardon use of technical term) crap to help. Gloves, lysol, tests, toilet paper were all in short supply because the Unseen Hand of the unfettered free market just was not interested.
Since I doubt the feasability of replacing capitalism wholesale, even as I recognize it as a key part of the problem, a change to stakeholder capitalism is essential so that corporate leaders can make decisions in the interest of entities other than The Almighty Shareholders, and be graded on such. Under stakeholder theory, entities like the general public and the environment, including a habitable climate, start to matter again.
Meanwhile, any focus on debt is a potentially very bad thing just now. Monetary availability for spending on necessary climate issues is key, to the point that they could and likely should block out all else society does for a while if the public really understood the threat. Avoiding a climate disaster needs to be humanity's key buskness just now if we don't want disaster recovery and, frankly, just plain death to be humanity's key business soon.
It is as if the people we trust to tell us what is right are comfortable with the preposterous notion that if we get debt in order but fail to prevent climate change's rapid onset, all will be well, and if we get climate under control but are left with debt, that's a disaster. That cannot be allowed to stand.
I know Mastodon readers are globally distributed, but speaking from a US-centric point of view for just a moment, since national debt here infects many conversations, I have to think the world will much more easily forgive us some debt if we stop destroying the climate than they will praise us for tightening our debt position at the expense of human civilization being laid to waste. And the choice is just that stark.
(Also, don't even get me started on "growth" as an economic metric of health. If we don't figure out a way to measure health sime other way, that alone will be the siren call leading us to foul our finite nest. We must come up with ways to measure, target and enforce sustainability and to seriously, even criminally, penalize exploitation of externalities for profit.)
#environment #capitalism #climate #NationalDebt #MMT #StakeholderTheory #StakeholderCapitalism #economy #EnvironmentalJustice #Degrowth #sustainability #debt #ClimateCollapse #ClimateCatastrophe #Extinction
#environment #capitalism #climate #nationaldebt #mmt #StakeholderTheory #stakeholdercapitalism #economy #environmentaljustice #degrowth #sustainability #debt #climatecollapse #ClimateCatastrophe #extinction
Miau 🐈⬛
warum sind wir so leise und nicht furchtbar laut,
was hält uns ab, dass eins sich nicht traut?
Nehmen viel zu viel stillschweigend hin,
worin liegt da der Sinn?
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #reimenstattweinen
"Is the #ClimateCrisis finally catching up with #Antarctica? Finding the answer has never been more pressing - Our inability to confidently predict sea level rise between an extremely challenging two metres and a civilisation-ending 10 metres is an exemplar of the problem facing researchers"
Andrew Meijers, Oceanographer with British Antarctic Survey, writes in today's #Guardian (07.08.2023); a compelling and chilling read.
"The global #climate is one hugely #complex interconnected system. While the #Antarctic and Southern Ocean are far removed from our daily lives, they play an oversized role in this system and the future climate that concerns humanity now. “Global warming” is really “ocean warming”. The atmospheric temperature change, the 1.5C Paris target we are now perilously near to exceeding, really is only a few percent of our total excess trapped heat. Almost all the rest is in the ocean and it is around Antarctica that it is predominantly taken up. How this uptake may change in the future as winds, temperatures and ice shift is a critical scientific, and human, question.
hese last few months have been a turbulent time to be an oceanographer, particularly one specialising in the vast Southern Ocean around Antarctica and its role in our climate. The media has been awash with stories of marine heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, the potential collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by mid-century and the record-breaking deficit in Antarctic sea ice emerging this southern winter. Alongside heatwaves and bushfires in North America and southern Europe, flooding in China and South American winter temperatures above 38C, the climate has moved from a “future problem” to a “now problem” in the minds of many."
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Klima #Klimakrise #OceanWarming #OceanHeating #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #SouthernOcean #CO2 #Heatwave #Heatwaves #Drought #SeaLevelRise
#ClimateCrisis #antarctica #guardian #climate #complex #Antarctic #ClimateEmergency #Klima #KlimaKrise #OceanWarming #oceanheating #globalwarming #globalheating #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #SouthernOcean #co2 #heatwave #heatwaves #drought #sealevelrise
Janine O’Keefe, Australian engineer, climate activist, co-founder of Friday’s for Future in Sweden speaking about reasons to be SCARED and #ActNow ‼️ @scientistrebellion #OceanTemperature #OceanAcidity #ClimateCatastrophe #AMOC #TippingPoints #SealevelRise #GlobalWarming #ClimateHell file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/BB43D1CE-0368-43C0-A9C6-5489AB627325/Attachments/DBFCA849-014E-4F3A-BAD5-F05210CCB968/IMG_0511.mp4
#ActNow #OceanTemperature #oceanacidity #ClimateCatastrophe #amoc #tippingpoints #sealevelrise #globalwarming #climateHell
Hank Green bezüglich der hohen Meerestemperaturen:
Hank Green on the topic of the high sea temperatures:
He is referring to this article:
#Klima #Climate #KlimaWandel #ClimateChange #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe #KlimaNotfall #ClimateEmergency #Clouds #GeoEngineering
#Klima #climate #KlimaWandel #ClimateChange #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe #klimanotfall #ClimateEmergency #clouds #geoengineering
Reminder - it is #Winter in the #SouthernHemisphere - "‘Winter is disappearing’: #SouthAmerica hit by ‘brutal’ unseasonal #heatwave
Buenos Aires records hottest start to August in 117 years, #Chile sees highs towards 40F and #Bolivia, #Paraguay and #Brazil also bake
Now should be South America’s bleak midwinter, but several parts of the continent are experiencing an extraordinary unseasonal heatwave that scientists believe offers a disturbing glimpse of a future of extreme weather.
Argentina’s riverside capital, Buenos Aires, this week recorded its hottest 1 August in 117 years.
Cindy Fernández, a weather bureau spokesperson, said her country was facing “a year of extreme heat".
“Winter temperatures are way off the scale – not only in the central region where Buenos Aires is but also in the northern regions bordering Bolivia and Paraguay where temperatures reached between 37C (98.6F) and 39C (102.2F) this week. Hundreds of miles to the west, in #Chile, temperatures rose even higher, towards 40C.
“July was the planet’s hottest month since records began and the #Andes are now experiencing their own thermal ordeal,” announced the Santiago-based newspaper La Tercera. “Although we’re in winter, Chile is living through a little hell of its very own.”
"Five years ago, winter in Paraguay made for chilly days, Mendoza pointed out. “But now it’s 30C-35C [86F-95F] in the winter due to climate change.”
In the Catholic University’s shade-filled campus off the #Paraguay River, Oscar López Grutter, the school’s administrative director, agreed that recent winters in Paraguay have changed as the world has grown hotter. “This winter is less cold and much shorter,” he said. “There’s less nature – there’s climate disorder, more cars, more industry, more pollution. Deforestation, less trees and, unfortunately, less periodic rains.”
#Argentina #Heatwave #Hitzewelle #Klimakrise #ClimateCrisis #Climate #Klima #GlobalWarming #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #Santiago
#winter #southernhemisphere #southamerica #heatwave #Chile #bolivia #paraguay #brazil #andes #argentina #hitzewelle #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #climate #Klima #globalwarming #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #santiago
#ClimateCatastrophe Technisch ist es zwar noch machbar, nur die politische Einsicht fehlt. Resümee von @rahmstorf 👋 Sehen- und besonders Hörenswert! Sehr gut erklärt das Ganze👍
Great info for clinicians, clinics and individuals preparing for extreme heat.
#ExtremeHeat #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateHealthcare #HealthcareInExtremeHeat
#extremeheat #ClimateCatastrophe #climatehealthcare #healthcareinextremeheat
Kennt ihr (Sach-)Bücher oder Studien, die sich mit möglichen kommenden Kriegen aufgrund der #KlimaKatastrophe befassen?
Do you know (non fictional) books or studies about possible upcoming wars caused by the #ClimateCatastrophe ?
#KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe
"Switzerland, UK and Norway 'dangerously unprepared' to keep people cool if global target missed
Oxford researchers have predicted the impact of rising temperatures on climate adaptation requirements for cooling on a country-by-country basis if climate targets are missed
Amongst countries with more than 5 million inhabitants, Switzerland, UK and Norway will see the world’s most dramatic relative increase in uncomfortably hot days, but are under prepared.
When considering smaller nations, Ireland will be the most affected.
Central Africa will see the most extreme temperatures overall."
#Klima #Climate #KlimaWandel #ClimateChange #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #Heatwave #Heatwaves #Hitze #HitzeWellen #HitzeWelle #Heat
#Klima #climate #KlimaWandel #ClimateChange #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateEmergency #heatwave #heatwaves #hitze #hitzewellen #hitzewelle #heat
The Guardian has published a footage compilation of extreme flooding events of this summer so far, from around the whole planet we are burning :earth:
Der Guardian hat einen Zusammenschnitt von Aufnahmen diverser Extrem-Flut-Ereignisse von diesem Sommer bisher veröffentlicht - aus aller Welt, welche wir gerade abfackeln :earth:
#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #Flood #Flooding #Klima #KlimaWandel #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #Flut #Überschwemmungen
#climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #flood #flooding #Klima #KlimaWandel #KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #flut #uberschwemmungen
The ultimate understatement with no action to date > Why a sudden surge of broken# heat records is #scaring #scientists
Scientists say to brace for more #extremeweather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures #ClimateCatastrophe
#scaring #scientists #extremeweather #ClimateCatastrophe
We are at the minute, the scientists discover the reality-defying rapid temperature change of those buoys, aren't we?
#RealityVSFilm #TheDayAfterTomorrow #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCatastrophe #Climate
#realityvsfilm #TheDayAfterTomorrow #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCatastrophe #climate
We knew this was coming.
#ClimateChange #ClimateChaos #WelcomeToThePyrocene #ClimateCatastrophe
#climatechange #climatechaos #welcometothepyrocene #ClimateCatastrophe
Turns out the line "Yes, but not in our life time. This is too fast." wasn't the most unrealistic in The Day After Tomorrow after all...
#KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
Turns out "Yes, but not in our life time. This is too fast." wasn't the most unrealistic in The Day After Tomorrow after all...
#KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
#KlimaKrise #KlimaKatastrophe #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe
There are news to my campaign to help Ugandan climate justice activists to come to Pre-COP at Bonn on the 9th of June. We have responsibility to give their voices strength and volume so their daily catastrophe is seen, heard and acted upon #DebtForClimate #LossAndDamage #MakeThemPay #ClimateCatastrophe #MAPA @ScientistRebellion @debtforclimate @fff @FridaysForFuture_MAPA
#DebtForClimate #lossanddamage #MakeThemPay #ClimateCatastrophe #mapa