So isses. Leider. Immer. Wieder.
#climatecollaps #ClimateChange
#Dontlookup #fascism #climatechange #ClimateCollaps #COVID19
Can you make the #netzero target? Try out your decision making skills and save us from a #ClimateCollaps
The climate game let's YOU set the priorities.
Share your results 👇☺️
PS: I failed too, so no worries 😅
#netzero #ClimateCollaps #climate #ClimateCrisis #Klima #KlimaSchutz #co2neutral
Can you make the #netzero target? Try out your decision making skills and save us from a #ClimateCollaps
The climate game let's YOU set the priorities.
Share your results 👇☺️
PS: I failed too, so no worries 😅
#netzero #ClimateCollaps #climate #ClimateCrisis #Klima #KlimaSchutz #co2neutral
First they said #ClimateChange wasn't real.
We called BS!
Then they said the #ClimateCrisis wasn't of human making.
We called BS!
Then they said the #ClimateCatastrophe wasn't that bad.
We called BS!
Now some of them are trying to tell us that enough is already being done to stop the #ClimateCollaps.
We call BS!
And others are telling us that the #ClimateApocalypse can't be stopped anymore anyway.
Boost if you're tired of their BS.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateCollaps #ClimateApocalypse